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zonnique's pov (star)

i woke up on my bed on the tour bus.my belly,arm and leg was sore i couldn't stand up.do u wanna know why i cant stand up is because my boyfriend ray beat me yesturday just because i was talking to jacob L.ray doesn't like me talking to boys.let me tell u wat happened


i was going to starbucks with ray and when we got there ray said he needed to go to the bathroom.soo i got us some coffee and i waited for him.when jacob L came over

jacob L-hey star.can i sit


jacob L-(sits down)

i satrted lokking around just in case ray came and saw me.he dosnt like me talking to boys excpt my brothers and dad

jacob L-wats wrong star

me-oh nothing

jacob L u look scared.are u sure u ok

me-yh im fine

ray's pov

hey its ur boy rayary and im at starbucks with my gf star from the omg girlz.

i came out of the bathroom.and started looking for star i saw her with some dude when i looked close i saw it was jacob L and they looked like they were having a good time she was giggleing and all tht.i quickly went up to them.i was a lil jealous

me-hey dude

(daps jacob L)

jacob L-sup

me-well star we gotta go

star-wat why

me-I SAid we GOTTa go

star pov

when he shouted i got scared he only shouts when he is mad so i took our coffee and went with him

me-bye jacob

i quickly gave him my number and folled ray to the car .when we got to the car .we got in but ray didnt start the car he was staring at me

ray- why were u talking to him?

me-his just a friend ray

ray-u know i dont like u talking to other boys

me-ray his just a friend

ray i saw u all smily and shit.do u like him


ray got mad.i shouldn't have done tht ray got out of the car came to my side of the car and pulled me out by the hair.

he kicked me and punched me so hard.

ray-dont ever(punch) scream at me (kick)again.and dont u ever talk to him again u hear me

i was crying in pain .he told me to go bk in the car soo i did and we went bk where our tour busses where i was about to get out.

ray-hey dont i get a kiss

i gave him a quick kiss and got out i went in the tour bus and into my bed i

me-why me why me

i cryed my self to sleep

flashback over


tell me if u like

if u like i well update more


abusive (omg girlz and mb)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن