Sabertooth Building? That’s one of the richest companies in the world of business as far as Lucy knew. Why would Erza, of all people, want her to go there and meet someone?

Curiosity took over her so she nodded.

“Good. Ugh. I really wasted my time on a bimbo. Get a love life.”

Lucy let out a heavy exhale. She felt nervous just then. It wasn’t the nervous type wherein something bad will happen later that day. She couldn’t really explain it.

Wear something nice.


The message from her phone that she received an hour later made her wonder. Of course she’d have to dress properly because that Sabertooth building was screaming richness.

Lucy was very tired. She realised this after she got home. But then again, she had to get ready for the meet up with someone.

The blond girl wasn’t the same with any other girls. If you expected her to wear a dress, a gown or even leotard print leggings then you’ve got it all wrong.

Lucy’s wear something nice meant a plain green shirt, jeans and flip flops.

“Where are you going?” Jude Heartfilia asked before his daughter could open the front door.

“Somewhere. The president told me that I should meet someone at Sabertooth building.”

The night stroll didn’t scare Lucy. She felt calm. No one would really think of raping or stealing something from her. She knew she could defend herself with one troublous kick in the gut.

Arriving at the building, everyone stared at her ridiculous outfit. The blond girl paid no attention to it.

“I’m here to meet up with someone.” She simply told the receptionist. The receptionist looked weirded out at her choice of clothes.

“This way, Madame.” The girl guided her to the elevator and pressed the button ninth floor. When the ‘ting’ was heard, they stepped out of the elevator and  went inside to what looks like a VIP room. It was surprising that the girl trusted Lucy right away even with her clothes.

And lo and behold, a “man” who had spiky pink hair and onyx orbs greeted her. He was dressed in a black suit, making him resemble a formal and professional businessman.

Natsu Dragneel.

Lucy couldn’t help but stare in awe.

“W-Wha. . .”

She now felt ashamed with her outfit.

“I should expect less from you. I get disappointed at you every single time. I’m surprised you wore those kinds of clothes even though you knew you were going here.” She felt her face on fire. If I just— “Hey, sit down.”

Cliché wasn’t included in Natsu and Lucy’s vocabulary, really. Lucy wished for Natsu to pull her a chair just like a gentleman would do for his lady but heck, Natsu was no gentleman. Especially in this state they were in.

So, is this, um, a date? If it is then I should’ve picked the skirt. But nah, too cold.

Assuming would be bad, anyway. I must go with the flow.

Natsu ordered food for the both of them. Lucy’s eyes roamed the place, thinking that she didn’t know that this building had a restaurant inside a VIP room.

As they waited for their orders, no one dared to speak.


Lucy has that unique instinct. She knew Natsu wouldn’t speak so she did the first move.

But, it was an epic fail with her hiccup.

Natsu perked up as Lucy’s shoulders moved up and down. He laughed. Lucy felt terrible. “You look cute like that.” Maybe hiccupping wasn’t so bad. “So cute that I’m crept out.” Perhaps not.

Lucy shot Natsu a pointed stare.

The food arrived and they ate silently.

They were alone in the room. Their background scenery was the city outside. It was half-serene and half-uncomfortable.

“So what am—” A hiccup. “—I doing here?” Another hiccup.

Natsu laughed, almost choking. “You can guess.”

She might get accused of being an assumer so Lucy shrugged. Natsu smiled lightly. “Well, for a date with me.”

Wait. . . is this an imagination or is Natsu really blushing?


“For the past few days,” Natsu tortured his pasta. “I thought about my decision and true feelings.” He caught Lucy’s eyes. “I can’t help but say this. You broke my heart, Lucy. And it hurts so much. I realised this when you came to “visit” me in Singapore.” Natsu smiled wider as he mentioned the word “visit”. “I’m not yet over you. No joke.

“Everytime you pass by me, I feel so little. I’m not gonna say this twice, so listen carefully. You broke my heart. As you came to Singapore, you healed it. Funny, isn’t it? You broke my heart and healed it.”

Lucy looked up, trying to stop the stupid tears from falling.

“Stop.” Lucy breathed out. Natsu seemed hurt. “Stop making my heart go wild. Same with me, Natsu. I don’t want to explain myself. All you need to know is that I feel the same.”

Natsu and Lucy stared at each other, hands meeting on the table as they smiled at each other awkwardly.

Heal His Heart: Mission Accomplished.

The end.



Of course, you’re surprised. Double update to make up for my late updates.

Thank you for staying with me and the story ‘til the end, yay!

*confetti everywhere*


Natsu, Lucy and me (author-chan)

Break His Heart [NaLu AU, Book 1 & 2] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now