Chapter 20- Goodbye

Start from the beginning

"WOW. You didn't even discuss it with me!' I said angrily.

"Whats to discuss?' he asked confused.

"ITS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD MATTHEW!!!!!!!!!!' I SCREAMED causing everyone's head to turn around.

With that I worked out the restaurant and left.

 I heard the front door slam so I know Matt was home.

I stayed still on the bed  not wanting him to know that I was awake.

"I know your up' he said coming into the bedroom.

"Go away" I whispered loud enough for him here.

'What's the problem VANA?' he asked stressing my name like if I was a brat or something.

'The problem is your plans don't include me!' I screamed turning to face him on the bed.

'Of course it does. I want you to come with me!' he stated.

He said it like it was so obvious.

'COME WITH YOU? COME WITH YOU WHERE? I HAVE MY FATHER'S COMPANY TO TAKE OVER IN A MONTH'S TIME. I CANNOT LEAVE!' I said getting off the bed and standing in front of him.

It made no sense though. I was 5 feet one inch and he was a booming 6 feet 3 inches.

I was a midget next to him.

"Forget your dad's company! Let go to Sydney!' he said excitedly.



"Matthew, this is my dream!' I said softly.

'And this is mine' he said sternly.

We both just stared at each other dangerously, none of us wanting to back down.

And neither of us did.

"You know what this means right?' he asked after a long period of silence.

'Yes I know. Do you?' I asked sadden that he was choosing this dumb job over me.

I mean yes I was choosing my job too but I am a millionaire. He doesnot have to work.

I can take care of that.

'Matt you don't need that job. I make a lot of money. I can provide for us!' I stated.

"That's the problem Evana! I don't want you providing for me. How is that a partnership? How is that good for either one of us?' he stated upset that I would even suggest that.

'You are just going to throw away this relationship?' I mumbled.

"Im not throwing away anything ! You are! Come with me please!' he begged.

"I can't!' I said before turning away and walking to the bathroom.

I turned around to face him before I entered.

"So that's your choice Evangeline?' he said with a grim expression.

He called me by my whole name.


This must be serious.

'Yes. I choose my dad. ALWAYS. BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER!' I said.

"So im not blood to you?" he asked surprised and offended.

"You are!' I muttered no longer sure of his position in my life.

My last two words were enough for him to realize he did not have the place he wanted in my life.

We both realized at the same time.

We weren't meant to be.

I was not willing to drop my career for him and neither was he.

We both were about to take big steps in our career lives and it would be without each other.

I stared at him one last time while a tear slipped down my eyes and he stood there mouth open bewildered that this was the end,

I closed the door and slipped down to the floor and burst into tears.

This was it.

I was again SINGLE. And stupid.








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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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