Chapter 1- First Encounter

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"Evangeline get down here, Kyle is here" screamed my annoying mother. I don't mean to be rude or anything but that is what she was a pain in the ass annoying snob. Everyone knew her as Angeline Brooks, the famous fashion designer of New York, while my brother,Kyle and I knew her as the she-devil. She was just crazy she spent every cent she could to make sure my bother and I wore the best clothes, look the best, have the best friends, go to the best schools and most of all to be the best. And WE HATED EVERY SINGLE MOMENT OF IT! We never do anything for ourselves we have someone make up our beds, pick out our clothes, brush our teeth, comb our hair, feed us etc. It was like we were babies or something.

Kyle came through the door laughing loudly about something my dad said. I just stared at the site, because we were taught to wait for someone to acknowledge you before you spoke. Kyle spotted me and winked before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulders and running up the three story high staircase. I was laughing the entire way up while I heard my mother screaming at him to "behave". Kyle always brought fun to this hell hole known as home, he was just so funny and he never listened to mom. He always did what he wanted,when he wanted and he would do it in front my mother to piss her off. Unlike me, Kyle was able to get out this house and go live in Brazil where he is apart of their army. We finally reach my room and Kyle rested me on my bed and he sat on the floor taking off his shoes.

"So how is Brazil?" I asked. I rolled over so I could see him properly. "Its fine, you know mom is making Leah come to live with me?" he reply. Leah was his fiancee, he was arranged to marry her. It was something our mother had set up while we were younger, as soon as we turned 23 we had to be engaged. I was supposed to have my "future" husband on my 23 rd birthday but there is no way in hell Im gonna marry some stranger!

" Are you serious? She is such a devil! You and Leah have only met like what a year now? Do you guys even talk?" I muttered shocked. Thats how my mother was she always wanted people to know about her pride and success. When my brother decided to leave 5 years ago my mother was so pissed that she followed him to Brazil and paid the commander 2 million dollars to not accept Kyle and to kick him out so he could come back home and go to Oxford University in England. When my dad found out he paid 3 million to the same commander to accept Kyle. Lets just say that conmander quit the force that same time because he was stinking rich. Mom then forced Kyle and Leah to be in engaged, she comes from a rich family and and she is a model so to mom Leah is perfect. But mom doesn't know Kyle and Leah made a deal to still date other people and plus they don't even talk except for when mom has parties and they have to act happily in"love". Kyle lives Brazil and Leah lives here in New York.

" I havent even seen Leah since Christmas and that was what 6 months ago! You know Bridget lives with me! So what am I suppose to do? Kick her out?" Kyle sighs non-chantingly. Bridget is Kyle's girlfriend for the past 8 years, they even have a baby together that my mom doesn't know about but my dad does.

" NO just get a house for Leah to stay in or you could marry Bridget?" I smiled devilishly. Bridget really wanted to marry my dumb brother but he "wasn't" ready for that yet.

" Ha not marriage Evana. How about we go clubbing tonight and forget all this with a couple of drinks?" he asked all to excited.


Atleast ten hours and 9 shots later we were at the club dancing and well drunk. My brother had just disappeared with Leah, she had been here with a couple of her friends and when she spotted Kyle she came over to ask about moving in with him.

I was now about to drown my last drink when a pair of sea blue eyes caught my attention. I know it's rude to stare but damn this guy was sexy. My eyes trailed down his body to see a white button down shirt and a pair of low cut jeans. The jeans hung dangerously low which was very hot. Someone cleared their throat and I looked back up to see the same pair of eyes watching me.

"Hey there, enjoying the view?" he asked right before winking, WOW!! That was so sexy, before I realized what I was doing I moaned appreciating the fact that God made such a sexy man. "Andrew" he held out his hand introducing himself. "Evana" I whispered but surprisingly he heard me over the loud music. He smirked at me and waited for me to say something else but I was too turned on to. Like I have never felt this way before, I mean I have experienceed sex once before with my brother' s friend in high school but I have never felt my panty get so wet so quickly. I wanted to get away from this man he seemed like trouble. I got up from the bar leaving my shot and was about to move when he grabbed my hand "wanna come to my place?" he asked nervously. My mind was telling me no but my body screamed "yess". I slowly nodded and he took my hand and led me out the club.


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