Chapter11- Just Dinner

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It's been a week now since I have moved to Brazil. Today was my first day of work as manager of EVAN BROOKS SHIPPING CO.. I don't even know why he couldn't have his companies with the same name. I smiled in the mirror satisfied as to how I looked, I was wearing a blue tucked in shirt and a black penciled skirt. I looked hot. My brunette hair was pulled back into a pony tale. My make up fully done but looked quite professional. I then made my way to my BMW which daddy got shipped down here.

"Hello Good morning I'm Evangeline Brooks. I am your new manager , I have worked as this position for my father's two other companies, one in New York and one in Vancouver, so this is not a first to me, if there is any questions please don't be afraid to ask" I made my introduction to my new staff of 400 persons.

"Ms.Brooks!!" I turned around almost bumping into the person who called me.

"Jamie Leighton" the Asian girl said holding out her hand.

I shook it reluctantly, she seemed rather happy and perky, which could turn out to be annoying.

"I'm your new PA if you need anything, just let me know, its an honor to work with a Brooks. Your dad is like my hero and inspiration. One day I hope I could own this company" the the small eyed girl said in awe. What the fuck? She wants to own this company? Ha as if daddy will ever sell it. As soon as she said that line I didn't like her. She was cocky. I hate cocky.

"Well Ms.Leighton, good luck" I muttered half heartedly.

I left her there beaming at me,like I was a celebrity or something.

It was almost lunch time and I was busy still understanding the way this company operated. A knock suddenly came on my huge mahogany door. The door was already opened so I looked up to see the intruder standing there. My breath hitched in my throat. He was really sexy, not like Andre or Andrew but he had this bad boy attitude going on. His jet black hair stood straight up and his suit was black but the pants hung low on his hips. His eyes were twinkling green. He was really sexy.

"Morning boss, can I come in?" he asked in a very sexy smooth voice.

"Yes of course" I whispered trying to sound sexy but failing.

What was wrong with me? Here I am being all horny and shit off of some random guy and I was pregnant .It must be the hormones. The doctor said I would be very horny often and it was good for me to have sex.

"Well welcome" he said enthusiastically hitting me a bright smile revealing his perfect teeth.

"I'm Matthew Martinez, Head of Marketing, the company is very trilled that you are here, we really are happy to receive a Brooks" he stated with the most sexiest accent ever.

"Nice to meet you Sir, it's an honour for me also" I replied holding out my hand.

" Call me Matthew please, if I may ask, do you have lunch? I noticed you haven't left here as yet to eat" he piped with a small smile on his face.

"No, I have just been so busy trying to adjust" I muttered distracted by his broad shoulders, imagine that fucking me.

"Well I was now going for lunch would you like to come? Even us managers need our food you know" he said smirking at me.

"Is that appropriate Mr. Martinez?" I asked smirking back.

"I don't know ,let me ask the boss. Excuse me Ms.Brooks? Is it possible I could take Ms.Brooks for lunch, we wouldn't want her to starve" he asked trying not to laugh.

I was giggling by this point. He was sexy and funny, which reminded me of Andrew. Sigh.

I picked up my handbag and let him lead the way.

As we walked to the elevator he spoke, "So what brought you to Brazil?"

"Well, family" I whispered, I didnt like this topic and he seemed to realiZe.

"oh okay" he muttered.

We stayed quiet all the way to the food place. He suddenly stopped making me bump into his huge back.

I lost my balance and was about to fall when a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist steading me.

"uh-uh Ms.Brooks, I don't want you falling for me so soon" he said with a wink.

My mouth went completely dry. That was so sexy.I fixed my clothes and then someone twirled me around and to my surprise, cameras were everywhere. Just flashing . What the Fuck?

"EVANAGELINE BROOKS,IS THAT YOU?" someone shouted. Then many people around me started to shout.






By now I was really flustered. I vaguely saw Matthew on his phone. Who is he calling? Did he call them? What's going on? Before I know it, 8 huge men in black came running to us and then the cameras and reporters were gone.

I turned around to see all the men surrounding me.

"I'm sorry about that Ms.Brooks, Brazil could be like that sometimes. We aren't use to celebrities" the man closest to me said.

Me a celebrity? Ha never.

They all led me back to the company's building.

Apparently the men in black were the security for the company.

"Ms.Brooks I apologize for the reporters, I'm first officer Briggs" the man who spoke to me earlier in the street said.

"It's fine" I whispered.

"I noticed you hadn't gotten lunch we will send up a couple of great menus for you to choose your lunch and We will get it delivered" he said before snapping his fingers and a blonde haired girl came running with a few stacks of cards in her hand.

"Here you are Ms.Brooks" the girl muttered quickly.

While all this was going on Matthew stood on my right watching the scene.

"Thank You for everything" I piped before walking to the elevator.

All these people were really acting weird around me. Were they trying to impress me?

When I returned to my office I ordered a chicken pasta. Matthew said the pasta was the best apparently.

"Since I didnt get to take you to lunch...can I take you to dinner to celebrate your new post as manager?" Matthew inquired.

I watched him hesitantly .

"It's nothing but dinner I promise" he added quickly.

I didnt want to, I mean I did but I was pregnant.

"Just dinner okay" I whispered biting my lip.

Im such a whore.

I gave him directions for my house which I recently bought so I wouldn't have to live with my brother. He was to pick me up at 7 and it was to be strictly business-like.


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