Chapter 2

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I was sitting in 1st hour half working and half thinking about stuff such as Alex and how I imagined us in the future, except the thing was she is a cheerleader let alone a beautiful and caring one. She was way out of my league and I knew that she could never fall in love with a guy like me. I could barely keep myself together anyway so how the hell could I manage a relationship, especially after the last one. Elisabeth Young, everyone's dream girl, almost. Most people were attracted to her because of her body, I was more towards personality but obviously that didn't work out, the stupid skank was talking to 3 other guys and sleeping with one while we were dating and then blamed my suicidal tendencies as the reason why she left me. *vrrr* *vrrrrr* my phone vibrated.. Someone texted me, I panicked because it was so quiet in the room everyone turned to me because they all heard it vibrate. It was Alex! I couldn't wait to talk to her, it always made my day no matter whether she was mad sad or half dead, her presence alone made me feel alive and wonderful. "Hey" she said. I replied "Heyyyyy" feeling embarrassed as I realized I had been sitting there a few minutes not answering her but thinking about her.
A: "How's your first hour?"
Z: "Pretty boring as usual XD. How's yours?"
A: "Boring"
Z: "I thought you wouldn't be able to text me?"
A: "I do absolutely nothing in my first hour, remember? I can do whatever I want in here."
That's what I loved to hear out of her, taking charge and doing what she wanted to. It let me know that her spark was still there.
Z: "Luckyyyyyy. I have to actually do science."
A: "I'm sorryyyyyy."
Z: "it's okayyyy. I'll talk to you later. I have to go to work."
A: "Okay. Bye."
I hated to leave her but our teacher was making us do some bullshit project worth half our grade and I was almost failing as it was so I had to do my best on that project. I couldn't stop thinking about her so I didn't get shit done on that project that hour. The Bell rang, I raced to be the first one out of the door, I couldn't wait to walk Alex to class every day. She was always standing there waiting for me, admittedly my class was up a hill so I didn't expect her to come get me. "Hey midget." I said as I was messing with her hair. "You're not much taller than me!" She shouted back at me smiling and punched my arm. I always knew how to make her smile. "I'm still taller though" I said laughing because she always made me laugh. I walked her to gym and we didn't talk much, I wish we would, but I was too nervous to talk to her and too distracted by her looks. "Well you better get to class before you're late." She said trying to make sure i was still a good student. "I guess I should. I'll see you next hour." I said not wanting to leave her. I hated it but I had to.

Alexandria and Ezekiel: His side Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora