Jarrod Stories: Jarrod gets a Farm

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Jarrod always failed in life so his aunt gave him a farm. Jarrod went there and started corn and pig farming, Jarrod bought 5 pigs of which 2 died of disease as soon as he walked out of the shop. Jarrod also bought a bag of meatloaf and a bag of seed grower. At his farm he dropped both bags and the stickers on them flew away, so he just threw them both into the corn field. He went to his shed and fed his pigs as bob came along and said: "Jarrod where are you?" Jarrod said here and bob said: "oh there" and walked up to Jarrod and said: hi. The pig bob was talking to got scared and died so bob screamed and died too. Jarrod walked up to his dead pig and shoved it into his fridge as his gate crashed open and giant zombie corn came in. Jarrod was like: "aah the meatloaf turned them to meat eating corn". The 2m high corn plants with huge mouths ran at Jarrod but Jarrod jumped onto his old motorbike and tried to drive away but saw that his back wheel was missing so he started pushing the bike down the road away from the corn zombies. The corn started walking beside him and Jarrod yelled: "aah, ill take a shortcut!" but pushed his bike into a swamp and screamed: "what do I do now? Ill never be fast enough to get away." He turned towards the corn and noticed they had no teeth so he laughed at them but they chewed on him till he died.

Connor came along and got out an empty muesli bar wrapper and destroyed all of the corn with it, and noticed that Jarrod was still alive so Connor javelined Jarrod to a hospital 1000km away. Jarrod flew in through and open window and landed on a bed just like Connor had planned. Unfortunately for Jarrod the bed had wheels and it rolled into the disintegrating room. The end

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2012 ⏰

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