I find my friends at our usual spot, behind the school where no one can see us. It's a great place to make out, smoke, deal. Pretty much anything illegal you want to do on campus. That's just the type of people I hang out with.

I'm definitely not popular. Not anywhere close to it. Maybe I'm popular in my circle of friends, the freaks, misfits, socially awkward people, etc? Okay, I know I am. I'm their queen. I take care of them, you know? They're feeling stressed, I give them a little something to calm their nerves. Sometimes, if you're like family to me, I won't even charge you. There's only two people like that to me though. That's Jenny and Cayden.

"Well don't you look snazzy today." Jenny jokes, as I take my place next to her.

Jenny has been my best friend since seventh grade. I met her around the second week. If it weren't for her, I don't know where I'd be. Or if I'd even be the person I am today. Jenny dresses a lot like myself, meaning she wears all black. She has black hair with a red streak in it, and dark brown eyes. She's a little shorter then me, probably around 5'5. I'm 5'7, so yeah. Anyways, she's skinny, and just really beautiful. She also has her lip and eyebrow pierced. A lot of guys in my group try and make a move on her. If not her, then me.

I don't think that they grasp the fact that I'm a lesbian. I'm NEVER going to have sex with a dude. Penis is just gross. I shudder even thinking about it. Like at least once a day this annoying kid Josh tries to hit on me. Like he thinks all of a sudden I'm just going to switch teams and become straight, just for him. I like girls, I've known that since I was thirteen. I don't keep it a secret either. Another thing about me, I don't really care what people think of me.

"Shut up. This sweatshirt looks pretty damn sexy on me." I smirk. "And besides, it's not like I'm trying to impress anyone."

"Pfft. You're so trying to impress me." She giggles.

"Oh yes." I also giggle.

"How was working with barbie yesterday?" My other close friend Cayden, asks.

Cayden is the typical stoner. He has long black hair that's always covered with a black or purple beanie. He has his nose pierced like me, and his left ear pierced. He's tall, and he has nice blue eyes. He's also really skinny. I don't even know how he is. He eats like a pig. It's even worse when he's high.

Personally, I think that Cayden and Jenny like each other, but both of them are too much of a pussy to do anything about it. I told Jenny I'd try and set them up, but she just blushed and told me to stay out of it. See, that's what you get for trying to help someone.

"It wasn't as bad as I though it'd be." I admit.

Cayden makes a gasping noise. "You guys are actually getting along?"

His noise causes me to roll my eyes. "I wouldn't call it that. We're just tolerating each other."

"What did you guys do?" Jenny asks.

I don't know why they're so interested in this. Maybe they thought we would have killed each other by now. She's not so bad. The fact that she's beyond spoiled gets on my nerves a bit, but other then that she's okay.

"We went to her like, billion dollar house and I explained the cell to her." I reach into my bag, and pull out my pack of cigarettes. I better smoke one last time before school starts. "Anyone want one?" I offer. That's rare for me to offer, because I hate sharing my cigarettes.

Jenny and Cayden shake their heads, and the rest of the group is too busy engaging in small talk to hear me. I light my smoke, and put the rest of the pack along with my lighter back in my bag, and wait for them to ask more annoying questions.

Beauty and the Freak (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now