Chapter 11-The Coma

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It's been a past few days since she been in the hospital. I don't know what happen but I have high guesses that it was me. Maybe she looked down too long and then crash into the truck? Maybe? I'm losing my head as well.

"Natsu, Natsu, Natsu!" Lisanna calls my name. I snap out of it and refocus.

"Hmmm," She makes a gesture with her head. I look upfront to see the teacher, very upset.

"Natsu, you need to pay attention, stop rambling to yourself," My teacher warns me. I sigh and sadly look down at my workbook.

"It's gonna be alright," Lisanna puts her hand on top of mine but I immediately move it away.

Lucy is a heartfilia? How did I not know? How could I not recognize her? But I love her, right? No I don't need to question that, because I know I love her. Ugh my head hurts.

"Dragneel!" The teacher yelled. I realized I yelled I love her in the middle of the class. I sheepishly sit back down in my seat.

"Natsu, why can't you see, that we're made for each other, that you have me to be there for you," Lisanna says with confident but I didn't care because Lisanna is someone who is spoiled by nothing but money. She'll beg until she gets it but not me. I'm something she'll never get.

"No, Lisanna," I glared at her. She shrink in fear. I wish Lucy was here, Lucy would be smiling and talking. All I want right now is Lucy and her happiness but she in the hospital, laying there in a coma.
. . . .
It's been a month. I've kept healthy but been checking up on Lucy, now and then. I hope she heard me. I hope she heard all my tears, my cries, and my screams. I want her to know that I'm here, waiting for her. Waiting for her to wake up. I don't think I can last any longer.

*Cellphone rings*

"Hello?" I answered.

"Natsu! Come down quick! Lucy is awake!" Once I heard that. I hang up and quickly ran to my moped. Today is the day! I get to see Lucy HEARTFILIA.

"I like to see Lucy Heartfilia," I ask the counter.

"Room 12," I quickly rush to the room. I calm myself down once I got near the door. I slowly open the door. There she was, head up and high. I was smiling until I look down at her hands. Loke was holding her hands. Anger boiled through my blood. He makes me so sick, to think he can lie right in front of me. Especially if he made her best friend pregnant.

"Why you-"

"Natsu, we," Levy looks at Gajeel. Gajeel nods.

"Natsu, we have to tell you something," She look very concern.

"This is Natsu?" Lucy looks at me with confuse brown chocolate eyes. My heart drop.

"Natsu come out," The nurse calls me. Why? Why me? Why not him?

"Levy! What is this? Some kind of joke?" My voice yells in concern. Then realize my voice was to loud, so decided to lower it.

"Natsu, she can't remember you, She has amnesia. They said that the hit of truck kind of effected her memory, so we try asking her all the names that we know that she is good friends with, she remembered some people but when we came to you, she looked at us, with a um," She clears her throat.

"With a weird face and said 'I don't know who that is,' it was after Levy called you," Gajeel finish Levy's sentence. My head was running with questions. It was nothing I was expecting. All my tears, cries, and screams were for nothing. She doesn't remember me.

"I'll see ya guys later," I walk slowly away. As my mind run through with thoughts.

Sorry for the short story and sorry for not posting. I started school again. And have alot of things to do. I'll probably do one on friday. Maybe. No promises!

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