Chapter 8-Coming back?

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I have a wonderful relationship with Loke because he ask me out few weeks after I left. Life here is great. Summer break is almost over. Sadly.

"Bye Loke," I smiled. He return a nervous smile.

"Bye Lucy," He was acting weird ever since that last week party. I just shrug it off and let it slide, again. Loke start to walk away. I watch as his figure grew smaller and smaller the more he walk farther and farther. I sigh and got up from the bench where I first met Loke. The day I became a independent woman. I wonder what dad doing. I smiled and walk along the side. I guess I wasn't look that I bump into someone.

"Oii, Gomenasai!" I quickly got up and bowed.

"You should be," said a familiar voice. I gulped. I slowly walked away.

"Lucy," it growled. I winch. Soon I don't know why but I started running. Running as far as I can. I heard his feet coming up from behind me.

"Lucy, you can't run from me!" He yelled. He was furious. I guess he stop coming to my place and I was glad because I still lived there and I didn't know what to do if he was there sleeping. I failed to find a apartment sadly. I was in freshman and I have to be 18 and up to own a room. [Of course we all know who the guy is]

"Lucy!" Natsu yelled. I jump into my house and locked it. I rush to locked all my windows and all. To make sure to keep him out. I sigh once I finally finish. I was about to on the couch but a pair of arms wrap their arms around me.

"Did you actually think you would lose me?" He whisper in my ear. I whimpered in return as he bit my ear.

"Your not going anywhere," He mumbles. I groan as we both fell on top of the couch. Natsu was on top of me. He had both my hands captive.

"N-natsu," I manage to moan out. As he licks my neck. [Nalu Lemon! Warning warning!]

He sucks my neck, making me moan in the process. I guess this hormone kicks into head gear. I could tell my area was wet. I arch my back trying to make Natsu get off but he wouldn't budge. His legs holding my waist. He bit my neck and I kick the air and I couldn't breath. Our breath were both heavy. His warm lips travel up to my lips. I didn't know why but I kiss him back. I wrap my legs around him. My arms were still captive but I let it be. I bit my lip and I groan. Soon he wanted access, something inside me let him. His tongue traveled down my throat. I groan loudly. I grind against his crotch. We breath for air.

"N-natsu," I tried to say again. Nothing, he kiss me back immediately. I kiss him back. He let go of my hands and instantly, I wrap my arms around him. His hands on my waist. What am I doing?

I couldn't control myself and flipped Natsu over. I look deep into his eyes and kissed him. My body starts to move on it's own. It starts to move up and down Natsu lower area and I felt something unoriginal. My lips goes down Natsu's neck. Leaving marks on him. He groan.

"Fuck, Lucy," He groans out. I stop and breath for air. I sat against his legs. His upper body rises up.

"Everything okay?" He breathes heavily. His face close to mine.

"I can't do this," I mumble. He kisses my forehead.

"I'm sorry for pushing you into this," His voice was a little down.

"No no I didn't mean like that, like didn't had fun, wait what uhh, I mean I didn't have fun, wait no that not right either," I couldn't come out with the right words. Natsu chuckles. I sigh and pout.

"It alright, I just felt betrayed when you left, really," His voice cracked. I hugged instantly. He wasn't expected it, so he fell back.

"Lucy," He tried to take me off but I tighten my grip. "Don't, let stay this way for awhile," I stuff my head into his chest. He holds me tight. I want to be this way forever but somewhere deep inside says I can't. Loke pop into my head but I let it slide. No Loke, No drama, no nothing. Just Natsu and I. I feel into a deep slumber.

Ugh I'm sexually frustated but who cares I have Lucy right now. Frick I forgot she dating Loke. Damn it but I don't want to let her go. Soon I heard tiny snores. All this time she was at my stepbrother school and yet they never cross paths. I shrug it off.

"I love you," I whisper into her hear. I saw a smile crept up on her face. I let this time close deep. Today been a unforgettable day. Summer is almost over ugh not school again. I let the darkness take over as the sun slowly goes away. And the night takes control. My eyes slowly close shut.

Is it good or bad?? I know it a slow process but I'm working on it. Btw sorry I wanted a lemon so bad and lolz dramatic much.😂😂 anywhos how you like it so far?? Btw please message if you have any ideas for the next chapter and also follow me, vote for this story, and comment if you wanna. Thanks for reading *wink*

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