9. Cutting Is Weird

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Sensitive area. I know.

For all the girls, boys, women, and men reading this. Spread the word.

This area is not a Comedy Central, but an actual problem at hand.

Dear Reader, if you're a cutter, then please read this chapter and try to understand what I say. And if you're not a cutter, then hear what goes on around the world.

What if one of the closest people you know, one of your loved ones cut? They bleed and cry and grieve while you didn't even know. Be observant. Fake smiles are not easy to ignore. Pain in ones eyes is not easy to foresee.

Cutting is done for a lot of reasons. Be it bullying, not getting much attention, physical and emotional hurt, stress, insomnia, amnesia, depression, ignorance from loved ones and what not.

I slit my wrist to erase the pain,
you look at me, and think I'm insane,
my eyes turn red, bleeding my tears,
and still you try to protect me from my worst fears.
Look at my scars then you will see,
why I can't seem to go around and fake happy,
yet you tell me you love me, that you'll forget,
for I'll soon be gone, and I'll be your greatest regret.
So let me die, broken and scarred,
I can't deal with life, it's getting far to hard,
everything's gone wrong, it's not worth trying,
so leave me alone because I feel like I'm dying,
I don't want you to worry,
because my life is ending in a hurry,
I'll be fine, and happy you see,
for death is what I wished for and soon it will be.

If you're a cutter, and you agree with all of this, then I'll be damned, shame on you.

Didn't you survive all this time? With what? How are you still alive to read this? You had some reason to live right? To not cut that deep?

The term self-harm carries a certain stigma. Most hold stereotypical views of how this type of person acts, or why they do it; these stereotypes reassure us. After all, it's easy to judge someone we view as an obnoxious attention-seeker, isn't it? Isn't that what all self-injurers are?

These assumptions are based on prejudice; people fear what they do not understand. There is no collective reason why people hurt themselves; it varies. My reasons may be completely different from another's.

I never decided to start hurting myself.

Contrary to popular belief, not all people who hurt themselves are suicidal. Quite the opposite – most people who self-injure are fighting to live. It's a coping mechanism; somehow, the pain keeps them sane and connected to the world. After they cut, they felt numb, totally separate from everything that hurt them. They live for that feeling, when the scarlet spread and the ache in their chest subsided.

Remember, words matter. You can build someone up or send them toppling down. Take the time to talk to that boy in your class who seems lost, or that girl who keeps her head down. Be kind to all – just because someone is outgoing does not mean they are not suffering. You can make a difference.

To everyone who is struggling with self-injury, eating disorders, mental illness, or suicidal thoughts, keep battling on. Don't give up. Things will get better, I promise.

And as for the person who doesn't cut. You are hired.

It can be upsetting to learn that a friend has been cutting. You might feel confused or scared. You may feel sad or sorry that your friend is hurting herself in this way. You might even be mad — or feel like your friend has been hiding something from you. You might wonder what to say, whether to say anything at all, or if there is anything you can do to help a friend who cuts.

Look around and see, people are not always what they seem. Once you find one, help them, and that's your job. If you want tips on how to help them, then hell comment or pm me. I'll tell you what to do. And if somebody is cutting, I can directly help you. All you need to do is ask.

I'll help you.

Stay alive humans 😸✊🏻

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