Ron didn't follow, apparently knowing what's good for him, but turned to Jimmy instead.

"What about you, sir? Would you like to talk to one of your fans?" Ron asked in a professional tone.

"I don't want to talk to any damn girl, come off it. Now turn that thing off before I shove it..." Jimmy started, pissed off.

"Why are all of you so angry? I'm just trying to cheer you up," Ron said apologetically, heading towards Jerry now.

"Why are you coming towards me with that thing? Are you out of your mind? Turn it off," Jerry said before Ron could reach him properly and hurried away to do more packing.

"Kyle, how about you?" Ron tried again turning towards Kyle this time.

"Stop fooling around with that thing," Kyle said, turning away.

"But a lady admirer wishes to talk to you," Ron insisted.

"Don't they all?" Kyle said rolling his eyes. "Tell her to screw off. And turn that thing off," he added, but smirked before turning back to his own packing.

"That's the spirit!" Ron said thrilled, heading for Tom this time. "How about you, Tom? What's the message you would like to send out to your fans?"

"Do you really want that thing shoved up your ass?" Tom asked pleasantly.

Sam expected Jerry to tell Tom off, but the lecture never came. At least Ron pocketed his stupid recorder and started gathering up things too.

"What the heck was that about?" Billy asked looking at Ron suspiciously.

"I don't know," Tom answered. "It didn't cheer anyone up, only managed to piss Sam off. Our poor feet!"

Sam gritted his teeth. If they wanted aching feet, they'd get them.

What followed was another night's march. Sam once again refused to set them more than one break and walked as fast as he could. He knew he was being stubborn, but he felt like annoying them as much as possible. He couldn't even tell why. It seemed to be the only thing that kept him from exploding with frustration. Why he felt frustrated, once again, he couldn't tell.

This time, no one questioned his orders. Jimmy kept quiet, even if he seemed annoyed, while the others didn't even seem upset. This infuriated Sam even more than if they'd shouted their disapproval at him. It was like they were trying to prove they could do this and be better than him at it.

From time to time, Tom and Jerry threw him worried glances. Kyle on the other hand didn't even seem to care what was going on. He walked after them quietly.

Though Sam expected it, no one said anything all night. They all let him lead the way without any suggestions, complaints or praises. When morning finally came, Sam signaled to stop and sat on the ground right there and then.

"Should we set up camp here?" Jim asked cautiously, approaching Sam who sat cross-legged, pondering on new ways to torture the group.

"Yeah, why not? This place is as good as any," Sam answered, looking up at the light blue sky. Why couldn't it rain?

"This is actually a pretty nice location. Good job, Sam," Ron said as if Sam had lead them to a remarkably lush oasis.

Tom and Jimmy threw Ron a fleeting glance after which Jimmy raised his binoculars and looked towards the forest.

"Damn it. Can't see anything because of this damn sun." He dropped them and started taking out his tent and sleeping bag.

"Are you guys all right?" Jim asked warily.

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