Reconnecting to the Quran

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Dear Ramadan diary,

It's never too late to pick up the pieces and start over. I discovered this a week into Ramadan when I finally got over my lifeless state and started going into the Quran. I listened to it, I read it, and now I am going to read its explanation and memorise its short Surahs, with the grace of Allah.

It all started when I rediscovered that book, "Born Again". It has one-line quotes with Quranic verses or Hadith alongside. You can breeze through it in one sitting, or sit and chew it over in little baby steps. I had already breezed through it several times, so this time I decided to take baby steps. A few baby steps into my reading of it, I put it down and picked up the Quran, and I haven't looked back.

It's as simple as that, you know? Picking up the Quran. Yet, there's so much internal struggle, a year's worth of inertia, all those mental blocks, you think you have to clear them all before you can dedicate yourself to the Quran. Even when it's easy mode for spirituality (that is, Ramadan), you struggle with the Quran. It doesn't have to be that way. Baby steps.

Yes, you can baby-step your way into the Quran. Just don't get overwhelmed. There are many ways to connect without getting overwhelmed. Listen to a favourite recitation. Learn a favourite Surah. If you don't have a favourite, good! You can discover it, then. Nothing like an exploration mission, is there?

Which reminds me, I have to get Inaya to choose her Surah for this month. See you later.

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