A Shopping Date..?

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3.A Shopping Date..?


Fakir's POV:

"Fakir! I'm all dressed up, you can come in now!" Duck shouts from upstairs.

"Alright I'm coming." I shout back.

Even her voice has changed... It's more mellow and so innocent, and the way she said my name... It's enough to make me blush.

I walk upstairs and knock on her room door. I open it up and walk in. I look over to the window to see her standing right next to it, looking outside with a far away glance in her eyes as if she's somewhere else.

Then I look down to her clothes, blushing to myself.

"You look-..." I pause looking at her up and down.

"Oh, I was going to ask where you got this clothes from?" She looks over to me.

"I had it ready... If you ever became a human again that is..." I smile.

"Thank you." She smiles.

She runs over to me and wraps her arms around my neck, tackling me into a hug. I wrap my arms around her waist and hug her back gently.

"Thank you so much." She giggles.

"Anytime." I hug her a little tighter.

For what seemed like hours we finally pull away from each other, smiling like fools.

"Well doesn't this mean we got to go shopping? I mean I'm going to need more clothes..." She pouts.

"Oh yeah your right, I only got that one outfit." I sigh.

"Then it's settled, we go tomorrow after breakfast!" She smiles.

"Alright." I chuckle.

"But between you and me it's mostly because I'm using some torn up blanket for undergarments..." She whispers.

"What?! Why would you tell me that?" I blush loudly.

"Well we are like best friends, so it wouldn't mean anything." She giggles.

Back To Story:

Duck's POV:
It's the next day, which means today is shopping day! Fakir sets down a plate of bacon and eggs for me. I rush on eating it all and in a matter of seconds it's all gone.

"Let's go Fakir!" I cheer.

"Calm down, we'll have all day." He rolls his eyes.

"But yesterday you promised that we would go shopping for clothes today! And after breakfast!" I pout.

"After we both eat breakfast. Did you hear me? B-O-T-H. I didn't get to eat yet." He argues.

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