Hold Me, Kiss Me, Love Me

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9.Hold Me, Kiss Me, Love Me


Fakir's POV:
She eats it all as if she hadn't eaten in a year. At least she doesn't look that skinny like she did moments ago. It scared me to see her like that, she's skinny enough as it is.

"Hey Fakir, why are you always so nice to me...?" She looks up at me.

"You already know why. It's because I love you." I blush.

"What is love?" She frowns.

"It's an intense feeling of deep affection. If you love someone you want to be with them forever, you want to hug them and kiss them and all kinds of other stuff. A lover is like a best friend, you can't get rid of them no matter how annoying they are cause you love them." I smile.

"So it's someone you hold dear?" She looks me in the eye.

"Yeah." I lean in closer to her face, to the point where our breaths start to mingle.

"Then I've decided..." She blushes.

"What is it?" We both lean in closer and closer to each other.

"I love you too..." She whispers.

And that's when our lips smash together in a passionate kiss.

Back To Story:

Both our eyes drift close and I wrap my arms around her waist. She wraps her arms around my neck and deepens the kiss.

I slide my left hand up and down her  upper thigh, and my right hand slightly pulls up the skirt she has on.

"F-fakir..." She mumbles in between kisses.

"What is it...?" I pull away from the kiss to breathe.

"We should stop... Before we get to out of hand..." She starts panting.

"Are you all better now?" I pin her down on the bed.

"What does that have to do-..." I cut her off by kissing her on the lips again.

"Just answer my question." I pull away.

"Yeah... I'm fine. But why do you ask?" She sighs.

"Good, now I don't have to hold back anymore. I'm going to take all of you." I lick her neck.

"Fakir! What does that mean?!" She blushes loudly.

"Don't worry about it." I smile.

Duck's POV:
Fakir kisses my neck up and down while his hands wonder around me. I blush as I hear him whisper sweet things into my ears.

So is this what couples do? Does that mean since me and Fakir love each other we're going to start dating? I'm so confused.

Love Conquers All {Duck X Fakir Fan-fic}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant