"DINNER!!" Maddie yells jumping off the couch and running to the kitchen. The girls just laugh and follow her.

"Hey, Maddie?" Trinity asked.

"Yeah?" She answers.

"What happened to our pillows?" Trinity continued.

"Oh, well I spilled some juice on them so they're in the washer." she answers nonchalantly.

"Why white?" Alyssa questioned.

"It's the only color we have left." Greta answers for her. "How did you manage to get ours but not yours jucified?"

"I don't know why don't you ask that to my cup?" Maddie answers.

"I have some other smaller pillows in my room. You want me to get them?" Greta says.

"I guess." Trinity agrees.

"If you want to." Alyssa says.

"Why don't you grab the blankets, while you're up there." Maddie advises.

"That's too much work." Greta complains.

"Just throw down the pillows and then grab the blankets and then we can help set up the bed after we eat." Alyssa compromises.

"This is so good! I'm glad we decided to eat frostys and fries for dinner." Maddie says with a french fry dipped in a frosty.

"I know, and speaking of dinner. You owe me $20.00. You said you were buying." Alyssa said, holding her hand out expectantly.

"I don't have my money on me right at this second. I'll pay you back later, okay?" Maddie asks.

"Fine but you have to hand me my dinner." she answered.

"Lazy." Maddie said handing her a frosty and a thing of fries.

"No. I just know how to make things easier for me." Alyssa defended herself.

"Whatever you say" Maddie skeptically said.

"Whatever" she huffs.

"You done yet?" Trinity yells upstairs to Greta.

"Does it look like I'm done yet?" Greta retorts.

"Well, since you're still throwing pillows down, I'm gonna guess, no." Trinity says matter-of-factly.

"You're guess is right." Greta said throwing a pillow at her face. Trinity catches the pillow and tosses it towards the pile of other pillows. "Lucky" Greta mutters under her breath.

"What was that?" Trinity says with a smirk.

"Nothing, Dear." she replies sarcastically.

10 minutes later:

"How many pillows do you think we need girl?" Alyssa said as she and Madison were walking into the living room.

"Tons." Greta said smiling.

"Well, whatever. Y'all go eat and we'll start making beds." Maddie says. "I call the couch!"

"Ok, you're the only one who wanted it anyways." Greta said.

"Good. Then I don't have to share." She said sticking her tongue out. So Alyssa and Maddie went on about making beds and Greta and Trinity went to eat their dinner before it melted. When they were all done with their tasks, they regrouped in the living room. "So what do you guys wanna do now?"

"Let's go get ready for bed and then we can decide." Alyssa suggested.

Greta and Trinity agreed and left. Alyssa stood waiting for Maddie. "Go on. I'll be there in a few minutes. I'm kinda thirsty." Maddie tried to convince her to leave. Alyssa looked at her suspiciously, but left as well. Maddie turns to the camera that none of them had noticed and smiled evilly. After she was sure everyone was safely upstairs, she raced to her hiding place for the flour and started executing her plan. She finally finished just before they all started to walk down the stairs. She had barely put the flour away and started walking away from everything so she wouldn't look suspicious.

"You ain't dressed yet?" Trinity asked.

"Naw girl I was waiting on y'all bunch of slow pokes." she answered slightly out of breath.

"Whatever go get dressed in your pajamas." Alyssa said, brushing past her.

"Maybe I will." Maddie sassed back.

"Then do so!" Greta yelled putting music back on. "Tell Me A Lie" started pounding through the speakers. Maddie smiles and screams the lyrics while dancing horribly. The girls just laughed and joined her. Once the song was over, all of them flopped on their beds. Maddie jumps up and runs to the stairs. Greta flips over at the sudden movement and stares at her. "What did you do?" she asks calmly.

Trinity and Alyssa roll over and stare at each other. "MADDIE!!" they yell simultaneously.

Maddie makes a mad dash for her room upstairs and, luckily, makes it and shuts and locks the door lightning fast. They scream for about another half hour and then their voices are so strained, it sounds like they're losing their voices. Maddie smartly stays in her room for the rest of the night. It takes Greta, Alyssa, and Trinity hours before they finally give up trying to wash the flour off of them and just throw all of their stuff in the washing machine and crash on the couches and chairs.

*Movie Over* Trinity's POV:

The boys instantly start laughing. "Good one, Maddie!" Louis says between laughs and runs up to hug her. The rest of them nod and continue laughing.

Zayn is the first to sober up. "If you ever think about doing that to me, you will die." he glares at her with a smile on his face.

"Is that a challenge?" Maddie taunts.

"Try it." he warns.

"NO!" Liam and Niall scream at her. "I wouldn't if I were you." Liam continues.

"And why not?" she asks innocently.

"Because he will." Niall answers.

"I don't think he will really hurt me." she looks at him. "Well, not too bad."

"Let's not test it." Alyssa says. Everybody nods their agreement.

"Well, it's getting late and I'm tired. I'm going to bed." Maddie says, getting up.

"Are we having the same arrangement as the other night?" I ask.

"We can. I don't care who sleeps where. I just know I'm sleeping in my bed." Greta declares.

"Aight. Cool. I'm sleeping in my bed too." Maddie agrees.

"I'm sleeping in a bed." Niall and Liam say simultaneously. They look at each other. "Greta." Niall says right as Liam says, "Maddie."

"Then it's settled. Liam and Maddie are sleeping in her room. And Greta and Niall are sleeping in her room. Everybody else is sleeping in either the sun room or the living room." Alyssa concludes.

"Sounds like it." I state.

"Sounds cool." Zayn says.

"Yep." Harry and Louis say.

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