Chapter 18: Failure

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"If the Sith is going after Ezra, we need a better plan. We can't just leave Ezra to face this alone again." Hera spoke reasonably.

"But Hera, he wasn't anywhere that we expected him to go! Sabine and I searched all over.... He wasn't at his comm tower, not the markets.... For all we know, he's not even on Lothal anymore!" Zeb protested. "He's always been clever! I wouldn't put it past him to steal a ship or hitch a ride off this place." 

This type of conversation had been daily ever since Rex's news. The rebels hardly ever left the Ghost anymore, instead dedicating all their time to trying to bring back their youngest crew member. Chopper cruised the Holonet for hours at a time, searching for news on his prank buddy. Zeb and Sabine took the Phantom out once every day, scouring Lothal for the blue-haired Padawan, and both were always coming back empty-handed-and more determined than ever to find him. Hera worked with Ahsoka, using every resource the two had, calling in every favour, for any new information on Ezra and his whereabouts. Rex stocked up on food, weapons, medical supplies.... Whatever might come in handy in their upcoming rescue mission. Every corner of the Ghost was crammed tight with supplies, and for the first time in a while, the rebels didn't need to go on supply runs to retrieve food. They had a whole restaurant full just aboard their ship!

Kanan came up with numerous plans every day to aid them in the rescue, but all involved needing Ezra's location, the one piece of information they desperately needed.... and didn't have. Recently, his plans had gotten more and more dangerous as his desperation and worry grew, sometimes taking his 'plans' to the length of insane. Hera always shut those ones down though, before Kanan could act on them. At the very least, he was focused. And focusing was always something he had had trouble with in the Jedi Order.

But today, Kanan was having trouble focusing. He had this horrible feeling in his stomach that he just couldn't shake. Was it about Ezra? That would have been the most logical explanation. But yet, the Jedi knew that wasn't it. He would have known if something had happened to Ezra. He would have felt it, sensed it.

Rex started to say something, but a scanner lit up in front of Hera. Glances went around the cockpit as Hera leaned in to investigate.

"Approaching ship," she said. "Imperial class." You could have heard a pin drop in the silence that had ensued after that sentence. 

The screen lit up again. And again. Red lights flashed on the scanner as it beeped urgently. "Two, three, four, five ships...." Hera struggled to keep up. "There's an whole Imperial fleet pulling out of hyperspace!"

Zeb swore loudly as a Star Destroyer loomed into their view screen. "It's a bloody Star Destroyer!" 

"Vader's aboard that ship," Ahsoka said suddenly. 

Kanan glanced at her. "Are you sure?" Now that she mentioned it, he could sense a cold and dark presence aboard the ship. Along with a few other signatures.... But the others were clouded. And there was no time to dwell on them.

She nodded once. "That's his personal flagship. I did some research on it. The Executor. It's a Super Star Destroyer." The ship rocked suddenly. Everyone jolted with the sudden movement.

"Regardless of what kind of ship it is and who's on it, we're under attack!" Hera shouted and starting pressing buttons and flicking switches frantically. "Kanan, take the turret. Zeb, nose gun. Sabine, you're co-piloting. Chopper and Ahsoka, I need you in here. Rex, aft gun. Everybody move!"

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