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The song that came to mind  as I wrote this chapter is "Forsaken" by Group 1 Crew.  No matter how far we stray from the path of righteousness and truth, God's arms is always open to receive us if we come back to him.  The lyrics of the song are at the end of the chapter.

Desire turned suddenly to Lolita and slapped her hard across the face. "Why did you send him away? Why?!!!"

"He broke your heart and as if that was not enough, he broke Lorato's heart the same way. I could not sit back and allow the both of you to see him with his next conquest! I did not threaten him Desire for I only asked him to never show up where you guys might be! If you think I did wrong please think again because I had to protect you both from this excuse of a human being!"

Desire ignored Lolita, wiped her tears and grabbed Darren's hands.
"I waited for you to come back...I knew you would come back for me. Just for me."

When her parent's affair was exposed, Darren showed her love and understanding. It was during one of those days that her parents left her at home because they could not stand each other that he came and slept over and made her a woman. She could never forget his words of pure passion and love that night, she was his only true love but the wretched Lorato came and snatched him away. She never blamed him for it only the useless whore that seduced him. She hugged him tightly and wept over again. It was then that Lolita saw Sofia as if for the first time.

"Who is this Mrs. Fani?" She asked sharply. Desire broke the hug and looked at the person in question.

Prof. Fani cleared his throat and replied "That is Sofia, my daughter in law."

"You are married?" Lolita asked clearly taken by surprise by how the pretty young woman got herself deceived by Darren. Desire left Darren's side and stood in front of the seated Sofia.

"Darren I don't care if you are a father of twenty...just love me again and only me. Tell this woman I am the one you care about, not her!" Lolita looked at how pathetic her friend sounded...did she get fixated in the moment of long ago?

"I'm sorry for hurting you Desire. I am a new man now and I have a new life and a wife plus a baby on the way."

"No! I don't mind the baby, just tell her to leave okay. I...I..." Darren sighed and looked at her.

"I am sorry Desire but I can't do that. I love my wife and baby and will never abandon them."

"Like you abandoned me? Darren If I don't have you no one else can; if I don't have your love I can't live. I'll kill myself now that I found you if you leave me again! I lived for you! I breathed for you! I waited for you! I loved you and still do!" Desire shouted as she bared her emotions and feelings. Darren grabbed her by the arm and told her loud and clearly,

"I do not love you, not then and not now. I cannot add to what you don't have desire. Don't compare me to your parents who didn't love you. I can't bear your burden for the rest of my life! I have a wife and child Desire so please..." He let go of her arms and pleaded for her to understand.

But Desire was not listening anymore. She staggered backwards like a drunk and clutched at her chest. The truth was bitter and terribly painful. She had never felt so much pain in her life as the one that plagued her heart at that moment.

Lolita walked up to her, "I will take you home."

"No Lolita, I want to leave by myself." She collapsed on the floor and began to wail,

"The three people that started this nightmare all have new lives Lolly; Mum and Dad have changed for the better and are back together...Darren...Darren has changed too but not for me...I am so worthless and unlovable!"

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