The story of Brandon Gray

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So beautiful and elegant, like a penthouse. I run inside examining the white walls to the black and shiny piano. Then I saw the best thing I could have ever saw. . . Ready for it. . .  It was 90 inch flat screen tv with a bunch of bean bags and snacks. It's like he was being prepared for someone to come! "How much do you make Brandon!" I exclaimed jumping on to the bean bags. "Well when I was born I was left with lots of money," he said. "Wait, why?" I asked. He stopped, then turned around, he looked sad, that's not good. "Ember, sit down let me tell you a story, the story of me, Brandon Gray."

14 years ago:
"Aww, honey come here!" Marissa Gray exclaimed. Andrew Gray walked up to his wife, while looking at his son who was dancing to a song playing on the radio. "Ahh, and j thought he would play football, I guess my son's a failure," Andrew jokingly said. Marissa smacked her husband in the chest as Andrew laughed, while their son, Brandon was laughing. 'Knock' 'Knock' . "Huh, who could be here so late?" Andrew asked. He walked to the door, looking through the peephole. He gasped, "No, it can't be!" He exclaimed. "Andrew, what's going on!?" Marissa asked as Andrew took her and Brandon to a room. "Stay in here and don't come out until I say so," he ordered.
10 minuets later:
"WHERE IS HE!!" "I DON'T KNOW!" "OH WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT." (Gunshots can be heard throughout the place. Then silence) "Andrew," Marissa whispered silently. Then the door opens roughly and men in black come in. "GIVE US THE CHILD!" One of them screamed. "NO! TAKE ME INSTEAD!" Marissa yelled. "WE DO NOT WANT YOU! GIVE US THE KID!" They yelled. "NO TAKE ME INSTEAD!!"she yelled. The men had no option. And easily shot her in the spot. As the men were about to reached the Brandon, the police came. "PUT YOUR HANDS UP WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM!"
And one by one all the men were taken. As for Brandon, he was taken to an orphanage, where he got adopted by a very loving family he loves to this day.

"Wow, Brandon, I don't know what to say," I said speechless. "It's alright, I was 5 so I didn't know what was going on," he replied. "Wait if this happened 14 years ago wen you are . . . . . 19!!!" I exclaimed, "You look so young for your age!" "That's what I get a lot of time. So basically I got all the money in my trust fund and got myself a job and moved here," he said. I started to yawn. "Oh you must be very sleepy," he said. "No no it's- yawn -alright, I'll just- yawn -stay her-" and I dozed off.

Brandon pov: (Weren't expecting that were you >.<)
As I carried her up the stairs to the guest bedroom, I thought about her, her cuteness, her boldness, and her silky soft hair- "STOP IT BRANDON, TOU JUST MET HER!!" I thought to myself. I shook my head quickly. And set her in the bed. Kissing her forehead. She smiled afterward, "Crap!" I thought, "I hope she wasn't awake!" I ran out of there. I dunno what's wrong with me, I'm usually like that.

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