The Other Universe

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"Hey! Hey are you alright?" I felt a light tug at my shoulder. And I slowly opened my eyes, trying to adjust to the light, "Wait, light? Aren't I in the basement?!" I thought as I jumped up. I looked everywhere, I was in a cave, that looked pretty old, and it had old drawings on it. "Are you okay miss?" A voice asked me. I turned around and saw a very (Must I say) VERY hot guy standing in my direction. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine, but where am I?" I asked, feeling like a fool for stuttering. "Your in Aarlandia? How can you not know where you are?" He asked in confusion. "No, your joking with me, aren't we in Earth?" I asked, thinking this was a joke. His eyes widen I shock, "Earth" he said to himself, "Um, Miss what is your name?" "My name is Ember Stone" I said. He gasped, "THE, Ember Stone!" He exclaimed, "You're lying!" "I'm not!" I angrily yelled back, I hate it when people accuse me of lying. "Ok if you're Ember Stone, say one rare fact that she would never tell anyone," he said smirking. "That's easy, I never keep secrets," I thought to myself. "I can't because I never keep secrets from anyone," I said. His eyes widen in shock. "You are the real Ember Stone, but how is that possible?!" He asked to himself. "Ok, please tell me everything," I ordered, making me and him sit down. He sighed, "It all started 500 years ago. . . ."

500 years ago:
"Miss we found a girl on the island!" The pheasant said, in fear. The queen Astaria had an evil glint in her eye, "Bring her here, and don't take too long or else I'll snap your head off," she said in her evil, evil tone. The pheasant ran in fear, as the Evil Queen chuckled to herself. In less than 5 minuets the pheasant brought back a girl with long brown hair and fair skin. "And who are you?" The queen asked. The girl gulped in fear, "I-Ivy Callison," she answered whimpering. "Well Ivy, state your business here," she said. Ivy said she didn't know where she was, she just came back out of nowhere, but little did The Evil Queen know the dagger hidden in her pack. So as the queen turned around, she struck the dagger repeatedly in her body. And the Queen screamed with agony, "I WILL GET YOU FOR THIS," was the last word of the queen as she popped into dust. Ivy felt a rush of power before, something in her vines, a rush of adrenaline. "Oh thank you kind mi-" the pheasant said, bug stopped when Ivy turned around, her eyes changing into another color. "It is Queen Ivy to you, you pheasant," she said angrily, "Now go fetch me my guards, or else I'll have you tied upside with your neck cut off and blood coming out of you." The pheasant ran in fear. And from that day forward, Airlandia lived in fear once more, as the queen did her dreadful work and the people of Airlandia lived in fear.

"Ok I'm sorry, but what does that have to do with me?" I asked in confusion. "Yesterday, my friend and I went to an oracle to tell us about are fate, it always said, "The girl with a strong heart, but a sorrow life, will fulfill your destiny, but be warned, the girl doesn't have life here, as she is from the Earth."

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