Mrs. Dobbings? Are you Alright??

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As I sat in the classroom, one particular boy came in and sat next to me, "Ugh, Alex," I thought to myself as I focused more on my study guide. "Hello love!" He said trying to be "Sexy", "How you doing?" He winked, and I internally gagged. I turned to him with a calm smile, "I was doing fine, until you got here," I said with an eye roll. His face turned red with anger, "You are the only girl I never got, you will be mine," he said angrily stomping away. I grinned in satisfactory. Alex Richards is the schools biggest fuckboy, and for those of you who are in highschool or middle school and have never heard of the term 'fuckboy' you have never experienced a day in school, or at least in life. He has shagged every girl in this school, I'm surprised he hasn't infected them yet. Alice came and sat were Alex just sat, and I'm sad to say that she has been one of Alex's toys too, but she is my best friend. "Hey, have you heard about Mrs. Dobbings lately?" She asked. "No, why?" I replied. "She's been acting pretty weird lately, like she is from another universe!" Alice exclaimed with her eyes wide open. I started laughing, "Oh please!" I said, "Mrs. Dobbings will always stay the biggest bitchest teacher there has ever been!" The bell rang and I turned in my seat so I was facing the board. Mrs. Dobbings came in and I was shocked. She didn't have that same scowl on her face. "Well she could just be having a good day," One part of my mind said. "Oh please when has she ever have a good day," The other part of my mind said. "Hello class!" Mrs. Dobbings said in her weird chipper voice. "Good Morning Mrs. Dobbings," The class said in a weird monotone voice. "So today I decided that you all work very hard and I'm so proud of it!" She exclaimed, "So I decided that you guys don't need the test, all of you are perfectly capable of college, now go out and have the rest of the day off!" I opened my mouth in shock. As I stood their Alice comes up behind me and says, "I told you so!" In a singsongy voice.

The Parallel UniverseΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα