The Basement

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As I walked through the hallway with my good ole' helmet, I stopped next to a door, and weird sounds were coming out of it. It sounded like a mechanical whirring sound. So I did the one thing I regretted doing, I opened it. I'm pretty sure it was a basement, because large stairs were leading down into the dark. As I walked down, I could hear the sounds coming more closer. I used my phone as a flashlight, so I of course didn't trip. As the stairs ended, I saw a door at the end of the hallway, and ran to open it, biggest mistake ever. The door was rusty  so it opened with BANG! SQUEAK! And then a POP. I peaked inside the room, it looked like a laboratory that's been abandoned for several years. I slowly walked inside and let go of the door, but as I walked inside, the door closed with a heavy CLICK! The door locked itself! I ran to the door. "Oh crap what is Alice going to say about this!" I thought anxiously. "HEEELP! SOMEONE PLEASE!" I yelled. But it was no use, I tried for at least 10 minuets and no one came. I turned around and leaned into the door for support, and sighed in exhaustion. I looked up and saw two doors, both said 'DANGER!! DO NOT ENTER'. Me being me, I decided to go and opened one of the doors, the one to the right. As I opened it I saw flashing red light everywhere, and got sucked down into the door. I felt like my whole body was being ripped apart, and finally blacked out.

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