Samantha And Steve

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Today is Sunday August 3rd 2014 10:50am Hey Chloe I hope you're feeling better from yesterday's episode I've got a surprise for you and you too Clem. Since the party was canceled we thought we'll resume the party today thanks to Samantha for setting it up.

Oh no not again said Clementine. Are you sure you're feeling alright Chloe Clementine worries. I'm fine no more fever. OK once again lets get ready and Chloe don't touch nothing stay near me or dad. Now its 11:06 am Samantha Should be here and she wanted to bring Steve. I think something's up with Samantha and Steve said Tom.

They're just getting to know one another said Clementine... or they already knew each other way before we knew them Tom Added his opinion. 11:15am knock at the door Clem answers Hi... Samantha Hi Clementine you still look young and beautiful hows Steve He lucky to have you as a.... "Girlfriend".

Hi Tommy Hey Sammy. Clementine looks Confused "Tommy" "Sammy". Yes Clem that's what we call each other when we're together. Has Steve ever called you by... no he only calls me "Clem" for short. 11:29am Steve walks in and says hey Clem hows Chloe feeling? Much better than before Clementine replied.

Wait where is she everybody runs and looks for Chloe. Damn she likes to touch too much check the bathroom the Closet the kitchen anywhere there's Chemicals laying around. If she touched anything that's not for kids I'm going to... Clementine reminds him "you cant hit her". Oh no I'll discipline her ill teach her to not touch anything shes not supposed too. I found her Steve announced what was she doing.

Steve told Tom she got into the baby powder. CHLOE!!! That's it little girl you're going in the time out corner. Tom placed Chloe in a corner as punishment for 10 minutes. Hey Samantha you have a license on Children Behavior how or what can I do to stop her from touching. The only thing I know is to scold her but Clementine doesn't want me to hit her.

Samantha doesn't recommend hitting a Child but if that will get her to stop then go ahead but get prepared for those 5 year old tantrums and loud noise it wont be easy but could be avoided. Ill take my chances said Tom. I went up to Chloe and told her what she did was wrong and hit her on the arm don't do that again. She runs to Clementine for comfort as she started to cry.

Clementine come out with Chloe and says what wrong with her I told her let her go she's in time out I disciplined her and she ran to you crying. Well next time she'll know not to touch whats she not supposed to touch she could have started a fire and we wouldnt have known until it was too late. I'm sorry Chloe said in a soft voice

Clementine says to Chloe daddy's right you have to listen to him and everybody else in this house including me or Steve. Now you still have 5 more minutes in time out. Tom and Clementine walks out the kitchen and overhears Samantha and Steve talking about being related to each other

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