Chloe's 5th Birthday

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Today is Saturday August 2, 2014 hey Clem wake up do you know what day it is she said Saturday... yeah Chloe's birthday where is she I told her she's coming over with my new girlfriend Samantha today you'll meet her. She asked me do I trust her with Chloe I told her of course She has an Early Childhood Development license. What is that Clem asked? It's a person that's goes to school to study children behavior go and get ready you can ask Samantha more question when she get here with Chloe

Its 11:15 am I'm ready Clem shouted Tom laughed 5 minutes passed they should be here no later than 11:20 am its 11:35 Clem reminds Tom so he picked up the phone the a knock at the door Tom answers and hears Chloe crying in the car what's wrong with Chloe... Samantha told Tom that she may be running a fever and she doesn't want to get out the car hey Chloe daddy's here said Samantha Tom Approach the car opens the door picks up Chloe she's shaking hey Samantha how high you think her fever is she said its above mild Tom puts her in the bedroom Samantha takes her temperature Clementine asked what's wrong with Chloe. She has a fever said Samantha. Does that mean the party's canceled?

I'm afraid so Clem said Tom.

Hello... is anybody there Clementine checks who's at the door it's my boyfriend. Samantha looks Surprised "Boyfriend" but she's only 8 years old. Tom says it's a long story. Hi Clem when is the party starting? It's been canceled she got sick before she came over. It is 5:50 pm Steve was in shock to hear that Chloe isn't feeling well on her birthday they all started to surround Chloe as she lays there. Samantha what happened after I dropped Chloe over your house?

She was playing in the living room then she has a little accident I had to change her clothes while I was looking for some clean clothes I think she got into something that made her sick. When she wakes up we'll ask her what where you doing before Samantha changed your clothes. 30 minutes have gone by she is beginning to wake up she sees everybody surrounding her bed did I sleep through my birthday party? They all said no Samantha says how are you feeling honey she responded I'm ok. What were you doing before I changed your clothes she tells everybody I went to the bathroom and found a magic blue water everybody says "Magic Blue Water???"

Samantha tries to remember what was inside her bathroom that had blue liquid inside Steve says what you did with the magic blue water Clem said I think I've seen this magic water before. What is she talking about? The magic blue is really... Chloe interrupts dad... daddy... oh no she having a panic attack Samantha get a bucket Steve find some towels Clementine you stay here and tell me about this magic blue water what is it. The blue water is a very dangerous chemical but lucky for us its not life threatening but these side effects are fever... dizziness... panic attack... uncontrollable diarrhea so she's going to po... I got the bucket I got towels ok lift her up ohhh what's that smell Clementine says the last side effect. What is that? Uncontrollable diar... she just used the bathroom on the bed that's what the bucket's for somebody remove those bed sheets and open up a window. Lets bring her in the tub. Ok Clem how do we remove the magic blue water out her system there's one way but it's really gross and you'll need to open more than just windows after this one. Just tell me... how bad could the smell be?

Clementine put Chloe's head faced down the she put on 3 sets of gloves stick her finger down her sister's throat then Chloe relives herself all over the tub. That tub will need a good old scrubbing after this episode. Steve and Samantha joins Tom and Clem inside the bathroom. Steve looks at the tub then runs outside emptying his stomach. Samantha goes help Steve. Is it over said Tom yes it is answered Clem She needs to rest and get more fluid in her. Sam realized the magic blue water was the toilet bowl cleaner. she must have put it in her mouth to open it then it got on her tongue it fizzled that's when she called it "magic" and its blue looks like water Samantha tells Tom and Clem she got into the toilet bowl cleaner its 9:31pm Chloe wakes up here have some juice how are you feeling now. I feel better what's that smell Clementine says nothing just get some fluid in you also I think I'm done here she removes her gloves covered in stomach juice and says Happy birthday Sister this was the end of her birthday episode...

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