Prologue: Condolences and the Mansion

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   "We're sorry for your loss, Ms. (L/N)," a young man in a nice suit said expressionless and you smiled sadly. "Please, just call me (Y/N)," you replied. "And it's alright; she's in a better place now." "Well, that's one way to look at it," the man said. You were currently at a cemetery, at your aunt's funeral, to be exact. The young man was a close friend of your aunt, but you've never met him until this cool, rainy afternoon. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of (A/T/N) (L/N)," the preacher said, also without a hint of emotion. No one at the funeral really showed any emotion, with the exception of a few of your aunt's closest friends, who were practically bawling their eyes out. The service was only two hours long, but during that time, nearly everyone who attended the service gave their condolences to you. You were the only family member of hers still alive, so all condolences went straight to you. After the service, you stayed with a woman who was going to discuss your aunt's will with you. "Her car is going to one of her friends," she stated, as you nod. "Her dogs are going to a shelter-" "They won't be harmed or put down, right?" you asked. "They're going to a no-kill shelter, yes," the woman nodded in reply. "Anyway, her clothes are being donated to Salvation Army, her books are staying at her house, her house is going to you, her electronics are being donated, her furniture is staying in the house, and that's pretty much it for now." "Okay, that sounds great," you replied. "Thank you for going over this with me - wait. The house is mine?" "Yep," the woman nodded. "Oh, okay," you said. "What does the house look like?" "It's a pretty nice house," the woman replied. "Would you like to go see it?" "Yes, please," you nodded, almost as eager as a child in a candy shop.

(timeskip to when you get to the house)

   "You didn't tell me the house was a mansion!" you cried, forgetting that there was  someone with you. "Ah, yes," the woman nodded. "It's a rather large house." "It's not a house," you replied. "It's a flipping mansion!" "Call it what you may," the woman replied as headed back to her car. "I'm sorry for your loss. Call me if you have any concerns." She handed you her business card and drove off without a word, leaving you alone with your new mansion. "Wow," was all you could say. You knew your aunt was rich, but you didn't know she had a mansion! "Let's find out where everything is before I get too cozy," you said to yourself. In the few short minutes you were at the mansion, you noticed a nice garden in the front and back of the mansion, filled with every flower imaginable: from carnations and daisies to roses and forget-me-nots. "I could get used to this," you smiled for what felt like the first time in years. "Take that (B/N), you might have a car and know how to drive, but wait until you hear that I have a fucking mansion!" With that, you turned the doorknob and opened the door to the mansion.

(a few minutes earlier)

   "Dude, when's the new girl gonna show up?" a tan couch tried to jump in excitement. "Calm down, America," a small grandfather clock scoffed at the immature couch. "Aw, you're no fun, Iggy!" America pouted. "Don't call me that, wanker!" the clock frowned. "Ohhohon~ I can still call you ze Black Sheep of-" a golden candlestick smirked before being cut off by the clock. "You may absolutely not, you bloody frog!" the clock shouted. "Ah, but I am not a frog, Angleterre; I am a candlestick, non?" the candlestick chuckled. "No one asked you, you French git!" England shouted. "Now, now, we shouldn't be fighting before guest shows up, da?" a tall coat rack asked with a creepy smile plastered on his face. "R-Russia?" the candlestick and England turned to the rack. "Da, you two should stop before guest arrives," Russia nodded. "Aiyah! I can't move!" a stove shouted from the kitchen. "You don't say, China?" England rolled his eyes. "Well, it's not my fault I turn into stove, aru!" China huffed. "Well, it's not our faults we got turned into zese objects anyway!" the French candlestick frowned. "Technicarry it is, according to zat witch who turned us into zese things," a kotatsu replied. "No need to remind us, Japan," England sighed. "Ve~ I heard the ragazza is bella and very nice!" a nightstand tried to make his way into the room. "We don't know that for sure, Itary-san," Japan replied. "Come on, Japan!" Italy egged. "It'll be nice! She is (A/T/N)'s niece after all." Soon, several enchanted pieces of furniture had entered or tried to enter the room. Bickering ensued quickly until a toaster shouted, "EVERYVONE, SHUT UP!!!" "Germany?!" half of the room replied. "Ve don't have a lot of time before (A/T/N)'s Nichte (1) gets here, so a few rules before she does: 1. Ve only use human names until ve trust her enough to tell her our secret. 2. Don't try to fall in love vis her. It vould not make sense for a human to fall in love vis a piece of furniture or a country. 3. Zis is ze most important rule. Don't do anyzing dumm (2)." After Germany's short speech, the furniture quieted down, but continued to throw glares at each other. Suddenly, the door knob rang. "Scheiße (3)! It's her!" Germany panicked for a second. "Go into your places!" The furniture quickly moved back to their appropriate rooms and waited for (Y/N) to arrive.

(back to you)

   "It said in the will that the house was pre-furnished," you said as you walked in the door, closing it behind you as you turned on the light. "Whoa! This place is cool! I can save a lot of money on furniture!" You placed your damp umbrella on one of the hooks on the coat rack near the door, which still had a light pink scarf on it. "Huh, that's odd," you raised an eyebrow. "Someone must've left this here." You tried to remove the scarf from the rack, only for it to get tangled. "Hehe, must be stuck on there," you chuckled as you kept trying to remove it. "Don't touch my scarf, da?" a thick Russian accent said darkly, scaring you. "W-Who said that?!" you asked, looking around to see if another person was in the mansion with you. "Me," the voice replied. "Be more specific," you said, fear starting to invade your body. "Right behind you, da?" the voice replied again. You turned around ever so slowly to only see the coat rack on which you put your umbrella. "... Don't pull my leg, goddammit!" you shouted hesitantly. "That's no way for a lady t-t-to speak, love," a British voice ticked like a clock would. 

   "This isn't funny!" you shouted. "Show yourselves!" "We already are, dude!" another voice laughed. "No, you're not!" you panicked. "Stop joking around!" "We wish we were joking, aru," a voice called from the kitchen. "Ve~ the bella donna (4) is here~!" an Italian voice chirped. "Vhat ze hell is going on?" a German voice sighed. "Who the fuck are you?" you shouted, growing more and more fearful by the minute. "What did I say about language?" the British voice asked. "I don't bloody care!" you replied, trying to regain your composure. "Werr, she is just rike the others," another voice muttered. "What the hell do you mean 'I'm just like the others?!'" you screeched. "Where are you? WHO are you? Quit fucking messing with me! This joke isn't funny anymore, well; it never really was, but it really isn't now!" "Take deep breaths, ma cherie," a French voice tried to calm you down. "Shut the fuck up," you muttered to yourself. "Ze Black Sheep was right; you do have a foul mouth! Ohhohohon~" the French voice chuckled. "I said shut up!" you shouted, grabbing the nearest object, a golden candlestick. "Unless you want me to beat you with this, I suggest you leave me alone!" "Zat tickles, cherie~" the French voice tried to contain its laughter. You looked down to see the candlestick, which had a face on it. Its blue eyes sparkled as the candlestick winked and said, "Bonjour (5). You must be (A/T/N)'s niece, non?"

To Be Continued



1. Nichte (German) = niece

2. dumm (German) = stupid/dumb

3. Scheiße (German) = shit

4. bella donna (Italian) = beautiful lady

5. Bonjour (French) = hello

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