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All six of them reached the place well before time. The country house was visible from the place that their van was parked. Arjun helped Sam with all the camera feedbacks. They were all wearing tiny ear pieces so they could communicate with each other. After everything was set they once again went through their plan.

First Neil, Manya and Jai will go in as they were posing as the staff. Then when other guests begin to arrive, Arjun and Radhika will also enter as guests. They will all try to find why the party was held and if it has anything to do with the human trafficking. They will also try to get any evidences against Paul. They decided to try to record anything suspicious and if anyone of their cover is blown, they will try to make Paul speak out on his own, while they will record it through camera.

As planned Jai, Neil and Manya went inside. And when other guests started arriving Arjun and Radhika also went in.

Arjun, who had done these type of undercover works before, knew that there will be an identity check. And sure enough they were made to submit their invitations and ID proof. They were posing as Mr and Mrs Alexios. Fortunately all went well and their cover was not blown.

The room was decorated subtley with classic drawings and flower vases. There were some security guards standing alertly away from the guests. Arjun continued to scan the room and saw Neil, Manya and Jai doing their roles. He turned and saw Radhika standing stiffly. Even though her mask kept him from reading her expression he knew she was really tensed about something going wrong.

Arjun: Radhika relax. Everything will be fine. We will get something useful and escape without harm.

He placed his arm around her to soothe her worry. She turned to him.

Radhika: I know. But its just that I know how dangerous he is.

Arjun: Wait for sometime...... once we get the needed evidences he will go to prison for a long time. Trust me.

She placed her palm on his hand and they mingled with the other guests.

Neil was discreetly looking around for anything suspicious as he served the guests champaign. He was at a previlege as he could approach people pretending to serve them and catch part of their conversations. But all he heard till then was irrelevent. Just the society vultures catching up with each others mundane boring life.

Then the host of the party arrived. Paul Gilbert. He descended the curved staircase at the center of the room with elegence. He walked up to the elevated area used as a stage and while going there occasionally stopped to greet guests. Paul stepped on to the stage and smiled graciously at the people gathered.

Paul: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We all know why we are gathered here. I hope my selected group of guests are all generous enough to make this auction a success after all, it is for a great cause.

He paused to chuckle and some of the guests too shared his humour.

Now Neil was confused. Auction? That too for a great cause? What was being auctioned? He looked around but could not see any bargaining pieces.

Paul: Well we will go into the auction after the formal dance. Enjoy.

Just then the orchestra standing at one corner of the room started playing a slow dance music and couples started to slow dance.

Neil saw Arjun and Radhika also joining the dance. He saw Jai and Manya also doing their parts. He resumed to his duties.

After half an hour the orchestra winded up their music and left. Paul again took the stage.

Paul: Now, the moment we all were waiting for. Lets start The Grand Annual Auction.

After this Paul left the stage and took a seat so did all the guests.

A make shift ramp was attached to the stage and a beautifully dressed lady came to the fround and bestowed all gathered with a smile. She introduced herself and took her place near left side of ramp.

"So ladies and gentlemen. Here is the first package."

Then all lights dimmed and only a spot light focused on the ramp. Along the ramp a girl slowly made her way to the front and the light followed her movements.

At first Neil thought that the girl had some expensive piece with her to be auctioned. But as she stopped facing the guests he took in a sharp intake of air.

"Our first material. 18 years old."

Now it was all clear. The makeup on the girl's face couldn't conceal the bruises on her cheek. She stood their with an aloof expression as if she was not aware about her surroundings or as if she stopped to care anymore.

Neil as well as the other four understood what this was. It was like a market where Paul sold all those girls. This was beyond what they all had expected. This was inhumane and animalistic. No not even animals are this cruel. They were all stunned into stillness.

They all heard static sound through their earphones and then Sam's voice.

Sam: Guys what's going on there? All I heard was auction. But of what?

Neil was the only one who could recover enough to reply.


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