Chapter 20

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Phil's POV

Dan: sorry about that 😬😬 food is coming!

Phil: thanks... Even though I've eaten now 😒



Dan: anyway we are down the road see ya in a bit 

Phil: ok

I sighed and rolled over on my back. My live stream was over now, I had nothing else to do today except lay in bed and possibly watch Netflix or TV. As I got off my bed, it moaning softly, and I heard Dan's voice down the stairs. 

I got up quickly, pulled on some different clothes, not my pajamas, and ran out the door to meet Y/n and Dan in the kitchen. "Hey!" I said cheerfully.

They both smiled as Dan pulled out the food from a big plastic bag. He handed me my food and a pair of chopsticks. I smirked at him graciously and started to eat the chicken. Y/n got (whatever you like in Chinese food) quickly, before Dan and I could even ask if we could watch a show.

Dan chuckles quietly, "Hey, Y/n, want to make a video for my channel again? People want you."

Y/n rolled her eyes, "Mmhm. Fine."

My breath was hitched as he grabbed her hand and left the kitchen, jealously flowing through me. I wanted to grab her by the arm and just kiss her, telling her my feelings, and hoping she would love me. I want her so badly to be mine, but Dan stole yet another girl from me, using his looks.

They left me in silence and I finished my food. I got a kettle started for tea and waited there on my phone. I was so ready to just tell her my feelings.


After my fourth cup of tea I felt like I was sick. I went to my room and heard moans beside me. "OH FOR FUCKS SAKE!" I yelled. I left my room and banged on Dan's room. "GET OFF OF HER YOU NASTY DICK!"

The door rattled a bit and a Dan with wispy hobbit hair and boxers, "Ye?"

"What the hell, Dan?" I whisper shouted at him. He ruffled up his hair, "I don't know what you mean."

I pushed him back, "You know exactly what I mean. Thanks for stealing the love of my life because you were jealous! News flash we actually talked before you! I didn't just have sex with her!" 

Dan's eyes widened, "Phil, i didn't-"

My eyes were getting watery. One of the few fights I've had with Dan, "Seriously though! No excuses for that! I'm leaving!"

I storm to the opposite side of the hall and slam my door shut, grabbing the suitcase from my closet and filling it up. Luckily PJ would be so kind enough to help me for a few days while I blow off steam. 

I packed my clothes and all the knickknacks. Everything was pushed into the large green suitcase of mine. I sighed before standing up, the familiar moaning from the bed following me, as I pulled my suitcase out the door and down the hall. 

"PHIL I'M SORRY! PLEASE!" Dan yelled after me. 

"Haha," I replied with a scowl. He didn't mean it. He loved Y/n too, but wasn't dating her and already having sex with her. Jesus Christ  my life has just flashed before my eyes as I leave the apartment building.

He followed me to the lift but it closes right as he ran to it. I groaned and pulled out my phone, calling PJ. 

"Hey Phil," he said groggily. "What's up?"

"Can I stay at your house for a few days?" I said.

"Yeah sure!" PJ exclaimed on the other side of the line. 

"Thank you. I'll be there in a few." 

"Okay! See you in a bit, Phillip!" PJ chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, "See ya." I hung up and the doors opened, the cool air blowing through the lobby from outside.

I wheeled my suitcase outside and a taxi was luckily right there. I told them the address and put my stuff with me in the backseat. I checked Twitter and saw that already a #Philwhereyaat was trending. People were already tweeting me if I died. 

I didn't respond to the messages, I rather just make a video tomorrow. I watched the lights and stars blur by while we sped through London. I leaned my head on the cold window and sighed to myself. 

I lost both Dan and Y/n.

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