Cipher wheel kids au

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This au is different. With the Zodiacs becoming babies and 50% demon and Bill becoming 50% human and naked. Bill wants to kill them for ruining his plans but something on his mind won't let him (his human conscience and new found sanity).

He instead takes them and plans to raise them as his minions for world domination, but over 2 years, thanks to his new found humanity he grows to care for them like family and also starts to train them in using their demonic powers.

Though Bill still plans on world domination, he and the kids break into the government labs and get the materials for the portal, but due to the interferance of the government agents, the portal ended up sucking Bill and the kids to, you guessed it, the deepest part of the nightmare realm.

And yes they meet the Zodiac jars and the Zodiac Bound gang. And yes they do decide to stay there. Though i think it would best if they moved out and decided to travel alternate universes (and maybe run a magic show) Though they still visit sometimes.

Bill and his kids then discover they can also go to alternate universes but aren't bound to only Gravity falls. They also go to universes like Ben 10 or Steven universe, but their powers become weaker (Bill has more control while the kids are still practicing).

Bill is still pretty much the same, but cares a lot for his kids but doesn't show it, when him and the kids are going to have a 'family bonding time' expect explosions,candy,having your wallet taken from you, and Mabel bringing another pet home. If his kids are in danger but they can handle it, he lets them handle it, but if not he comes to the rescue. His powers are telekinesis, energy beams (they only burn but not disintegrate), fire manipulation, telepathy (needs to have physical contact),levitation, entering a persons mind (needs the person to be in deep sleep and physical contact at the head), energy sensing and summoning objects that came from somewhere (limited to only where Bill is).

Dipper is also the same but doesn't hide his birthmark and a bit more mischievous than canon. His powers are plant manipulation, telekinesis, levitation, and x-ray visions.

Mabel is still the same too, but more randomness and glitters. Her powers are light manipulation, telekinesis, levitation, and very realistic illusions.

Stanley is still the same except that he tends to be a bit more reckless. His powers and metal manipulation, telekinesis, levitation, and intangibility.

Stanford is way more curious than canon and holds pride over his six fingered hands. His powers are telepathy (must have eye contact), telekinesis, levitation and invisibility.

Gideon however is a bit more humble and isn't controlling to his family, but still manipulative to strangers sometimes. He sometimes gives advice to his siblings when they need it. His powers are earth manipulation, telekinesis, levitation, and emotion manipulation (can make a person feel slightly happy,sad,fearful etc.)

Robbie is a little less emo on this and wears a bit more colors and is a guitarist prodigy by the time his 9. His powers sound manipulation, telekinesis, levitation, and sonic screams.

Fiddleford is like his 20 or 30 self in canon but when making his inventions he becomes and laughs like his crazy self (he got it from Bill). His powers are lightning manipulation, telekinesis, levitation, and technopath.

Pacifica isn't as snobbish as she was in canon but still a little snobbish and likes to do things on her own, she also hates the sound of bells. Her powers are animal manipulation (she has more control on llamas and peacocks), telekinesis, levitation, and underwater breathing.

Wendy is way more active than canon and loves 'family bonding time'. Her powers are ice manipulation, telekinesis, levitation, and super strength (she can lift a building with her two hands).

Soos is still Soos. His powers are healing (it can be a person who has a severed limbs or a broken non-magical item), telekinesis, levitation, and laser eyes.

I also plan that at some point in the future when the kids are twelve their universe jumping got out of control when they were practicing, causing for all of them to be scattered across different alternate universes of Gravity falls.

Bill and the Zodiac bound gang were able to find 9 of them, but they then realize that Wendy was in the Depravity falls au. Bill was able to save her, but Wendy was traumatized in her stay in that universe thus making her less active than usual.

(On a positive note, before that mishap happened, on halloween Bill dressed up as his triangle form and the kids dressed up as the henchbats.)

I also have noticed that most of the aus i think of a sort of like sitcoms.

EDIT: 6/22/2016

Here are some of the AUs that some of the kids get stuck in. (Barring Wendy cause you already know where she's gonna end up in.

Ford- Reverse falls or Relativity falls

Stan- Reverse falls or Fire within

Mabel- Monster falls

Fiddleford- Fractured falls 

Also the Cipher wheel kids call the Zodiac jars gang 'Granpa/Granma' while they call the Zodiac bound gang 'Uncle/Auntie.

All of them (including Bill) also eventually develop demon forms and their powers reach of that when Bill was in Weirdmaggedon but they don't have reality warping powers, manipulating the human body, and killing a person with a snap of their fingers. Though they can create things out of nothing (as long it's not magical) and create life.

EDIT: 7/3/2016

The kids know that other Bills are not that well liked in a lot universes, so when they get stuck on an unknown universe and are asked who is their parent is, they just call Bill 'caretaker', and don't reveal anything about him or their other siblings, up to the gender.

Also, when they start to get their demon forms, they go through a stage in where they all become feral and get out and consume as many demons they can.

The others eventually found them all, but they all are sealed in a cocoon that had their signature color, it also pulsates sometimes. After they all have hatched, they discover they could all now change their ages, ranging from a one year old to a twenty year old. Except Bill, his range is from twenty five to forty year old.

Gravity Falls Au IdeasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora