Karaoke night!

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(Thank you guys so much for 100 reads on this story!)

For a week now me Dean have been spending time together. He calls it making up for being gone but he's told me about purgatory and trust me he doesn't have to be sorry. He also told me about Benny...I'm surprisingly ok with him ya know letting him out because of the way Dean described him and I could tell that Dean wasn't lying.

Me and Dean were having breakfast when my phone started to ring and it was laying on the table. I was about to grab it when Dean did and answers it for me.

"Hello" Dean says looking at me and I give him a 'really' look.
"Oh hey Sammy" Dean says and I wasn't paying attention until he said Sammy so I perk my head up.
"Uh huh....well it's good to have ya back Sammy...ok see you in an hour or so" Dean says and hangs up the phone.
"Why did you answer my phone?" I ask taping my fingers on the table.
"To let you finish eating and I know that it was Sam because I looked at who was calling before I picked it up....and if he wasn't coming home I would have to get you a new phone because you would throw it at me or the wall" Dean says muttering the last part but loud enough I can still hear.
"Ah" I say then get up and put my plate in the sink.

When Dean finishes his breakfast we play Rock Paper Scissors to see who gets to do the dishes. Dean as always picks scissors and me like a dumb idiot I am I accidentally pick paper.

"Oh my god yes!" Dean says jumping in the air.
"Well we're all out of food so I'm going to the store if Sam comes back before me...just don't take his head off" Dean smirks.
"Yeah Yeah Dean just go" I say shooing him away.

Dean leaves and I put my music on full blast and start doing the dishes and a song I like comes on so I start singing along and I didn't notice Sam was here and he was watching me.

"Heyy Jude don't make it bad take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better
Hey Jude, don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better
And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder" I sing out and Sam's sitting there the whole time smirking. When I get to the chours he joins in and scares the crap out of me.
"Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah!" Sam screams and I jump.
"Really Sammy?" I say and give him a annoyed face.
"Hey don't get mad you know how I love your singing" Sam perks up.
"Yeah yeah....come here jerk" I say and give him a hug and he hugs back.

I turn back around and start doing the dishes and Sam turns down my music a little and joins in and helps me do the dishes. Sam starts splashing me with water so I pick up the sprayer thingy and spray him.

"Sage!" Sam yells and I take off running.
"Hey...get back here!" Sam yells out again and walks into the center of the bunker where Dean is now standing.
"You're never going to catch her Sammy" Dean says in a duh tone.
"Yeah I know she's like a freaking road runner" Sam laughs and Dean joins in.
"Welcome back Sammy" Dean says and goes to put the groceries away.
"Good to be back Dean" Sam says and goes to the library which is where I am.

"We need more books Sammy I've already read all of these" I whine when Sam walks in.
"You've read all of these?!" Sam asks shocked.
"Well yeah" I say in a duh tone.
"Sage there's like a million books in here and you've read them all?" Sam says giving me a really look.
"Sam I can literally tell you everything thing that is in each of these books" I say smiling.
"Ok tell me what's this one about" Sam says picking up a lore book about Greek gods.
"Well Sammy that's ones about the Greek gods but did you know they didn't mention Ares the God of war?" I say picking up the book and looking at it before handing it back to Sam.
"Smarty pants" Sam looks through the book and says when Dean walks in.

"Don't even try to out do anything that she can do it will always bite you in the butt" Dean says coming in the library.
"Not trying to...did she tell you that she's read all of these?" Sam asks Dean.
"Sammy she's read all of these like twice" Dean laughs and shakes his head.
"Come on boys lets get some pie" I say walking out of the library.
"Do not touch my pie Sage!....SAGE!" Dean yells and runs to the kitchen.

Me, Dean, and Sam eat some pie and then Sam tells Dean about me singing.

"Dean I'm telling you she sounds amazing!" Sam says looking at Dean.
"Show meee" Dean whines and I feel embarrassed. I know Dean will laugh but I also know that he's not going to quit until I sing.
"What song?" I whisper to Dean and his eyes go wide.
"Sing that one that you make me listen to all of the time" Dean says smirking and I know which song he's talking about. He's talking about This is Gospel/ Panic! At The Disco which is a really good song btw!
"Ok but I'm only singing my favorite part...."The gnashing teeth and criminal tongues conspire against the odds But they haven't seen the best of us yet
If you love me let me go
If you love me let me go
'Cause these words are knives that often leave scars
The fear of falling apart
And truth be told, I never was yours
The fear, the fear of falling apart" I sing and their eyes go wide.
"Jeez guys I'm really not that good" I shrug because I'm really not that good.
"Yes you are!" The boys say in unison and I laugh.
"Karaoke night!" Dean yells and we all laugh.

For the rest of the night Me, Sam, And Dean sang songs and laughed like really hard at Sam because he didn't try. It was good to be finally happy but that can all change in a day.

Hey guys so I actually did get to put up a chapter today! Also thank you guys so much for all of the reads this book has gotten and I know that 100 reads isn't much but for someone like me it is. Always keep fighting ❤️

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