Lies hurt

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Last night I had a dream. I honestly couldn't tell if it was a nightmare because it seemed so real. The dream was about Dean and Sam leaving me again, but this time they left together and never came back. I think we all know by now that when a Winchester dies or goes missing that we turn into monsters and I don't want to go down that road again.

Apparently I was kicking and screaming in my dream when Dean started shaking me to wake up.

"Sage!....Sage!" Dean yells shaking me.
"What...what! What's wrong?" I shoot up and grab my gun.
"Easy now...nothing's wrong" Dean says quietly.
"Oh ok...why did you wake me up?" I ask because in my dream I was hunting a demon. Then I put my gun down.
"Well you woke me up screaming and kicking....want to tell me about it?" Dean says and I sigh.
"No...I'm ok I've had worse" I shrug then get up. It was already morning so I walk out of the room.

Here lately...well for the past week I haven't slept well...only for like 2 hours then right back up. I walk into the kitchen and start to make me, Sam, and Dean a sandwich. I had just finished making mine when I hear the boys yelling at each other. So I put the sandwich down and go see what they are fighting about.

"Well somethings wrong so how are we supposed to get it out of her?!" Sam whisper yells.
"I don't know but if we don't she could end up getting hurt or worse hurting herself!" Dean yells and I walk in and their eyes grow wide.

"Don't pity me! I'm fine nothing's wrong! Why are you so worried about me you never were before! I'm going on a witch hunt...bye." I yell at Sam then go to my room and get my supplies.

I hear someone come into my room but I ignore them.

"Sage...don't's not going to get better if you keep it all inside." Dean says walking over to me.
"Would it make you feel better if I let you go with me." I say not looking at Dean but I can feel tears brimming my eyes.

"Yes! I'll go get Sammy" Dean says and runs out the door.

I finish packing up and go to where Sam and Dean were. I stick my head in the room and speak up.

"Ready to go" I say with no emotion.
"Yeah let's go" Sam says then walks out of the room.
"Dean..." I say then he looks up at me and I throw him the keys to baby.
"Let's go" Dean says and walks out to so I follow. We get in the impala and lean my head against the window after telling them where the witch was.

~Time skip to hunting the witch~

I find the witch and walk into the room where she was at. The door shuts and I mentally face palm.

"Why don't you tell your brothers how you feel?.... Oh thats right because you are weak and you don't want them looking down on you like they used to" the witch laughs and turns around.
"Like you would know how I feel." I say with no emotion.
"Oh but darling I do know...and your brothers will to!" The witch says then I get slammed into the wall and I see a bright light then the witch was gone.

I wince in pain but when I didn't feel any different I get back up.

"Dang it!" I scream in frustration causing the boys to barge in.
"What, are you hurt?" Sam asks running over to me.
"Yeah I'm fine I just got thrown into the wall and the witch is gone" I say then my arm starts hurting and I wince in pain.
"Let's get you home and worry about the witch later" Dean says and picks me up bridal style.
"Yeah ok but I think the witch put a spell on me, but I don't feel any different" I say then look up at Dean.
"Well we're going to worry about that later to" Sam says and we all head to the car. Dean starts the car and we go back to the bunker.

Time skip to the bunker💙

Once we gets back inside, Sam looks at my arm and saw that nothing was wrong with it.
I was sitting in my bed when I get up and look in the mirror. "I'm fine" I tell myself and my legs become stiff and I fall. I brought down a picture frame with me and it broke causing glass to go everywhere.

"Dean, Sam!" I scream and within seconds they show up at my door. They look around then spot me laying in the floor.
"Sage, are you ok?" Dean asks crouching down.
"I think so but I don't know why I fell" I say pulling a pice of glass out of my hand.
"Maybe it's the spell, tell us everything that happened" Sam says crouching down.
"I was sitting on my bed then I got up and fell" I say then sigh.
"Your lying, tell us what happened" Dean says helping me up.
"I just told you I got up looked at the mirror then fell" I say looking down at my bloody hands.
"Your lying again, Sage would you stop lying for one second of your life!" Sam says then realizes what he said and my eyes grow wide.
"Well Sam, tell me how you really feel, why did you come back huh? For Dean, well Dean's back you can take him with you and leave now!....Oh wait I'll just leave!" I yell shooting up and running to a car into the garage. The boys run after me but I was already gone when they got out of the bunker.

I've been driving for 30 minutes now and the boys will not stop calling me.
Someone calls me again and I pick up the phone.

"What." I say, my words dripping with venom.
"Sage, come home now or I-I'll"
"Or you'll what Dean" I scoff cutting Dean off.
"I don't know, can't we work this out, Sam put the bottle down!" Dean asks then yells at Sam.
"Dean, nevermind I'm coming home." I sigh then hang up the phone. I know Sam and I also know Dean better than anyone else and if I don't come home they wouldn't stop looking or drinking so I decide to be the bigger person and just go home.

I pull up to the bunker and I sit there. I don't know what to say to Dean or Sam. It's so late and I know for a fact that I'm not going to be able to sleep without having a nightmare so how would I spend my time? I could clean the bunker or I could train. I make up my mind that I'm going to train.
I sigh then I get out of the car and walk into the bunker.

I walk in and I see no ones at the table so I sit my stuff down and put my head down on the table. I feel someone put their hand on my back and pull up a chair to me.

"I'm so sorry bug" Sam whispers and I put my head up. I see that his eyes are red from where he has been crying and my heart breaks.
"Sammy I'm sorry to, I'm sorry for lying so much to you and Dean" I whisper and start to cry so I hug him.
I can tell that I surprise Sam by hugging him but he quickly hugs back.
"Listen bug, I know that you're never going to forgive me for what I did and I'm not going to either, but can we just try and pick it up by piece, Sage we were so close and I want to be that way again" Sam sighs then I pull away.
"Of course Sammy" I smile the most genuine smile I have done in a while.
"Thank you so much" Sam says then hugs me again. We were still hugging when Dean walks in.
"YAY! THE FAMILY'S BACK TOGETHER AGAIN" Dean says like a little kid.
"Come here ya goof" I say then hug Dean.
"Now how about some pie?" I ask smiling and go to the kitchen.

That night me, Sam, and Dean talked about old memories and my recent hunts. I'm so glad that witch casted that spell on me.

Hey guys!! So I've noticed that this story has gotten a lot of views recently and that's so awesome!! I just want to say thank you guys so much for reading and I hope you like this chapter! 💙 also please comment if you like this story because it tells me to keep writing! Always keep fighting ❤️

Sage Winchester Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora