Chap 2

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ALSO ALL READERS; this book has been getting more and more reads I'm surprised, FYI this book is more my enjoyment mostly. Writing this makes me happy, and if you don't like it feel free to not read this book, thank you!

As they saw me walk down the stairs, they turned off the cameras.
Politely nordan asked "what should we say about you?"
I bit my lip and said "I'd prefer if you didn't say anything"
Nordan shook his head and we heard the front door open.
I went to the kitchen and heard a familiar voice, it sounded like nikan, he was pretty new to the toys the world, I was hoping rain would introduce us, he seemed very friendly and kind hearted.
I started making pancakes and texted in the group chat if anyone wanted any, so I made enough for everybody and ate.

As soon as I was done with the dishes, Nikan walked in the kitchen, he asked "who are you?" I wiped my wet hands off with a towel and rolled my sleeves back down and replied "I'm new to faze, and I'm staying for a week seeing if I want to move in." I smiled
Nikan nodded and said "well it's good to meet you." I agreed and went upstairs to set up my monitors and consoles.

I started dancing to Drakes 'Pop Style' while unpacking all of my clothes, while dancing I turned around and saw adapt at my door. I turned off my music, and looked at him.
"I'm trying to record, turn it off." He said sternly and slammed the door
I bit my lip and shrugged it off, I was trying to make the best of my time so I put my phone in my bra and blasted my headphones, continuing to dance.

I lit a candle in my dark room, and laid on my bed. I closed my eyes and pondered off for awhile, it was around 12am when I heard my door creak slowly.
I looked at my door and saw blaziken standing there, "hey what's up?" I smiled turning my head towards him
"Hey, I heard adapt yelling earlier today is everything okay? I was recording the whole day I just finished." He sat down next to me on my bed
"Yeah, he was kind of mad I had my music loud earlier." I sighed
"Oh, I guess rain didn't tell you. Him and his girlfriend have been fighting lately. That's not like him, he's been moody. Don't worry." Lucas smiled "oh also I know you just got everything set up in here but Nikan has to stay here for a few days, so would it be okay if he slept in here? He refuses to sleep in a room with any of us." Lucas added
"Oh yeah that's fine," I said "but wait, where am I gonna sleep?" I questioned
"Uhm, you can sleep on the room in any of our rooms up here." Lucas stated
I nodded, and Lucas said his goodnight and went to bed.

I pondered the whole night thinking of the nights I'll be sleeping in one of the guys rooms. I texted apex, I've been trying to get more friendly with everyone around here, might as well get started with apex.


I woke up with my phone in my hand, I guess I had fallen asleep texting apex last night. He was pretty fun to talk to. He seemed very intimidating, but he's actually one of my favorite people in the house.

I decided I'd get ready today, I did all my makeup and curled my hair. I decided I'd wear leggings, a Dallas Stars shirt and some converse. I walked into Lucas's room and laid on his bed, "hey can I stay with you while Nikan is here?" I asked biting my lip
"Of course" Blaziken replied laying next to me getting on his phone

I sat up and asked "I'm gonna go find a rink around here and play some hockey, wanna come watch?"
He looked at me for a second and said "yeah! Can I vlog? I need a video up."
"Sure that's fine," I added and got up to go get my hockey gear

I tied my laces and grabbed my stick, I walked out of the locker room I saw Lucas vlogging I walked up to him and punched him playfully and ran onto the ice.

Hockey was always my escape.. watching it or playing it. It was always amazing.
As time went along, more people came onto the ice. After about 30 minutes there were about 10 people on the ice.

I grabbed my extra stick and walked off the ice, I took off my gloves and walked into the locker room. I took a quick shower and grabbed all my gear, as I was walking out I saw a guy waiting for somebody.
I walked passed him and he stopped me,
"Hey," the mysterious guy said
"Hi?" I said
"You were pretty good out there, you checked me pretty hard," he laughed
I nodded and decided I'd be straight forward "is there something you need, not to be rude I have to get going."
"Oh, I was wondering if you'd like to play again sometime? Here's my number." He said "I'm Tyler," he added
"Brooklyn, nice to meet you. Yeah I'll talk to you later." I smiled, I was always a sucker for hockey boys. They were always so attractive to me.
"I saw you talking to some guy, hmm?" Lucas laughed turning down the loud rap music we were listening to
"Yeah he was impressed with my skills, I'm pretty Good if I say so myself" I said looking at Lucas smirking
"Yeah you looked good out there," he added
"Thanks." I smiled

When we got to the house I walked into my room and saw Nikan taking a nap on my bed, it was 4pm, blaziken and rain were leaving to go to the beach. I stayed home and took a quick shower.
I walked into the kitchen in my towel finding something to eat, I'm always so hungry after playing hockey. I decided I'd make a hot pocket.
I played some more drake, and sang along. Apex walked in the kitchen and smiled "good song choice, where's everyone?"
"At the beach, nikan is taking a nap," I replied
"Where at?" He asked
"My room, he's staying here for a few days. I'm sleeping in blazikens room." I said taking my food out of the microwave

"Stay with me for a few days," apex smiled at me

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