Before I Begin...

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Hey-o, random person who I most likely have not met! I just wanted to let you know basically what everything I'm gonna use means:

(Y/N) = your name 

(L/N) = last name

(F/C) = favorite color

(B/F/N) = best friend's name

(A/T/N) = aunt's name (I didn't want to confuse it with A/N, which means author's note)

(B/N) = bitch's name

(F/A) = favorite anime (besides Hetalia, of course)

(B/D) = your birthday

That should be it for the key of what the random letters in parentheses mean. Now, I should probably explain what I mean by Enchanted Objects!Hetalia. If you've ever seen Beauty and the Beast, it's pretty much similar to that, only there's no beast or princess and it's present day. This is pretty much what I've come up with for who is what enchanted object (so far):

Italy Veneziano - a nightstand

Germany - a toaster

Japan - a kotatsu

America - a couch

England - a small grandfather clock (*in a sarcastic tone* I know, very original.)

France - a candlestick (*still sarcastic* Very original)

Russia - a tall coat rack 

China - a stove

Canada - a lounge chair

Italy Romano - a blender

Prussia - a coffee brewer

Spain - a lawnmower

Austria - a piano (what else?)

Switzerland - a gun

Liechtenstein - a sewing machine

Hungary - a frying pan

Micronations - teacups

Poland - a mirror

Baltic Trio - teapots

Ukraine - a wardrobe

Belarus - a dresser

Greece - a bed

Turkey - a rolling office chair

Denmark - an ax

Norway - a bookshelf

Finland - a writing desk

Sweden - an Ikea table

Iceland - a fridge

Hong Kong - a beanbag chair

Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, and South Korea - dishes

That's all I have as of right now. I laughed my ass off as I wrote the enchanted objects list because half of these don't even making any fucking sense. If you want anymore characters in the story, or have any ideas for enchanted objects that the characters can be (other than what's listed), feel free to comment! I will probably not update this until next week Saturday because this coming week is finals week for me, but my last day of school is Friday. See you all then!

-Lizzie Rose

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