Inq's POV

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Hello, Inq here! So I'm writing a chapter about my experience with RussianSandwiches, and I know some of you don't know me but, basically, Makool/Lilly_The_Wolf is my best friend IRL. So prepare for a small chapter of one of my first experiences on BrayCity! In an earlier chapter, Mak said that we were on FaceTime when this happened, but we were actually at school during lunch when it did. Also, I'm just going to put in Inq as my name even though it isn't. (This is just from memory, so it's not exact)

Another note: Mak, Makool, Lilly, Kenzie, Kenz, and Makenzie are all the same person.

Inq's POV:

Makenzie was on Minecraft PE again during lunch, on another server. I had been staying away from servers for a while after losing Minecraft Diaries Crew server. We settled into our dynamic, our other friends talking around the lunch table and us piping in every once in a while, Kenzie playing on her phone, and me scrolling through Buzzfeed because why not.

"Agh! This creep is telling me he's in love with me, wants to marry me, wants to share a den with me! Inq, look at this!" Makool complained. I peered over her shoulder, and laughed at this user, "russiansandwiches."

"Wow, okay... So how long has this relationship been going on? Am I going to be expecting a little Kenzie soon?" I grinned evilly, and she hit me with her lunchbox (it's totally normal, we do that all the time).

"Inq, can you please come on the server and help me with this? It's getting annoying!"





I laughed and asked her for the IP address or whatever the technical term is. After a little bit, I successfully joined the server. Almost immediately, this "russiansandwiches" dude started saying the weirdest things. Apparently, Makool had tricked him into stop flirting with her, and instead got him to flirt with me. WHY?!?!

The chat was filled with messages like, "russiansandwiches is in love with Inq" and "russiansandwiches wants to share a den with Inq." Makenzie was lucky enough to have front row seats to me freaking out and saying "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHY GAWD WHY PLEASE STAWP THIS MADNESS WHAT HAVE I EVER DONE TO DESERVE THIS PAIN?!?!"

I then responded in the chat, amidst Sprinkle's "lols" with a very sarcastic "Sorry, but I am much more interested in Italian subs than Russian sandwiches." After that, I began to run away from the creep. I think I explored more of Bray City in that single experience than I ever have. I found a pretty good hiding spot, but somehow, Sprinkles teleported to me and brought a "lunch" with him. It was russiansandiwches, who started chasing me once again.

After finding numerous hiding spots and consistently being foiled by the totally evil Sprinkles, russiansandwiches finally logged off. Filled with joy of escaping the madness, I began shouting "FREEDOM AT LAST" as all my friends gave me weird looks. I shrugged and continued the shouts of happiness as I typed into the chat, "YES! HE IS GONE! FINALLY! I AM FREE!" Makenzie was sitting next to me, stifling her laughter as she continued in the chat, narrating my new song about liberty. Sprinkles was saying "lol" to everything.

Soon, the bell began to ring, meaning lunch was over. Kenzie and I walked to class together, having left the server. We later learned that the creep had been banned for being creepy, and Kenz and I have been going back to the server ever since.

Okay, so that was the story! I hope you guys liked it, since it has now become one of my favorite memories of BrayCity! Lilly and I still joke about it to this day, and I was happy to write about it for you guys! (Ok this is Lilly, I told Sprikles to tp him to her, and I was following her. And dude that was one of the funniest things that ever happened on the server!)

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