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Makenzie's POV: I grabbed my phone and ran with a smirk on my face as I ran to my safe place my room. I hopped over the baby gate and closed my eyes waiting for the impact of my ground it didn't come. I hallucinated falling because I was so used to it. I mumbled some non-lady-like words as my mum I mean mom would say. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. 'Must be the lack of sleep,' I thought, I texted Inq to ft, meaning facetime for over four hours. I laughed at my thoughts. I looked down at my phone to see she had texted back, K she said and called me. We were talking for a while when I said wanna go onto Bray? She nodded and we went on. Shuffle, Onyx, LillyBeth, Inq, and I were on. I think, don't really remember. Anyways yeah.

Lilly's POV: "D'aww~." I said they were so cute, and by them I meant Onyx and Shuffle. LillyBeth said to me. "Hey aren't you and Jack like this?" I smirked and said nope, taking advantage of the wrong name. She replied, "But isn't Jack your boyfriend?" I still said no. But ended up telling her she got the name wrong. LillyBeth said, "Oh yeah Jake is your boy friend not Jack. Sorry I got the name wrong." I mumbled an it's ok, and waited for my death. Inq immediately was quite on FaceTime and said this," LILLY YOU HAVE A BOY FRIEND?!?!" I said yeah. And den she was all like gurl why didn't you tell meh. And den I was like because gurl I thought you would flip! And I waited for her to respond with internet safety. She paused and of course said all of the inernet rules I must follow. I replied with an eye roll and a I know. And we continued with our day.


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