Golden Arrow

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Taking the lead, I slowly open the door a crack and look down the hall to the right. There's one lone security guard towards the end, kicking open doors and searching rooms.

I lean back and look to Mason. "The only way out is to the right, isn't it?"

Frowning, Mason nods.

I sigh, but without a moment to waste, I grab Mason's hand and jerk him out the door, sprinting towards the guard and the stairs. The man steps out of the room right as we approach and opens his mouth in surprise, but I'm too fast and Arrow is too accurate. He goes down, withering in pain and clutching his ears.

"That was awesome!" Mason exclaims, stopping to hover over the security guard who's suffering from severe ringing in his head.

"Yes. It's great. I'm great. You're welcome. Let's go!"

We start running down the stairs and I take out five more guards along the way, each with a different exclamation from Mason.

"I always wondered how you managed to evade hordes of my security. This is so cool!"

I roll my eyes at Mason's child-like excitement and fling open the door to the bottom floor. Instantly, I slam into a body and fall onto my butt, my phone sliding behind me.

"Suspect is at the east staircase. Backup request-"

My eyes feel like they are going to bulge out of my head. "What was that?"

Mason shakes out his fist and steps over the security guard that is moaning on the ground. "I used a personal trainer for boxing as an outlet for my aggression. I guess it came in handy."

"Aren't you just full of surprises, " I mumble, grabbing my phone and standing up. I start heading towards the front entrance, but Mason stops me and redirects me the opposite way.

"The front will be swarming with security. We'll go out my dad's personal entrance."

Our footsteps squeak on the floor as we run through the empty hallways. The occasional security guard steps out of a room, but my Arrow gets them every time. Finally, we burst out the back entrance and now it's my turn to lead Mason.

"Follow me!"

We run through the parking garage and out onto the main street. We stop running, but maintain a quick pace as we pass a fruit stand and then a taco truck. I get to the corner of Third and River and turn in circles.

"Why are you stopping?" Mason has his hands on his hips, his chest heaving.

"They were supposed to be here. This was our rally point."

I crack my knuckles and look up and down the street. I don't see them.

And then my ears tingle and my head perks up. I spin around and witness the glorious sight of my three valiant and trustworthy friends riding up on their own motorcycles. LJ leads on his shiny black motorbike, followed by Wilson on his cherry red one. Bringing up the rear is Tucker and I can't help but giggle gleefully as he approaches in his suspenders and bucket hat on his blue dirt bike that is three sizes too small.

LJ flips up the visor on his helmet and I let out a laugh at the contrast between his hipster glasses and polished helmet. "Well, look who it is," LJ plants both feet on the ground as he looks at me and then Mason. "I guess you were telling the truth, dude. I'll be interested in hearing more about that."

"Later, LJ. We've got to get out of the city. Now."

"Don't have to tell us twice." Wilson yells over the sound of his running motor. "I'm bored. And I need to change out of these clothes before anyone else sees me."

"Where's my boy?" I question.

"In the lot around the corner, mam. Waiting dutifully for you." Tucker nods his head at me as he wobbles on his dirt bike. "And must I say, it is great to see you in one piece."
"Thanks, Tuck! Same for all of you. Now go! I'll be right behind you."

The three men rev their engines and then speed away together. I watch until they disappear around a corner and then I grab Mason's arm and drag him behind me towards the parking lot Tucker described.

And there he is. I exhale as we approach my baby. "There you are. Boy, am I sure glad to see you." I run my hand along the cool metal and the glossy paint.

"Alright," Mason sticks his hands in his pants' pockets and rocks side to side. In my daze, I'd almost forgotten that I wasn't alone. As I look to Mason, my stomach clenches to see him look the opposite of the confident heir. "I guess this is where I leave you."

"What about you?"

Mason chuckles and runs a hand through the side of his hair. "Well, I'm kind of poor now. And a fugitive. And an orphan. Although all of those things are by choice."

I look behind Mason at the tower several blocks over, still standing tall physically, that was once the only thing my mind could focus on. My life revolved around taking back everything that didn't belong to Sherwood. I never thought the person that would help me accomplish it was his own flesh and blood. But now here I am, standing across from a boy who saved my life, completed our objective, and happens to make my face flush for no reason. Well, maybe the reason is that he is extremely attractive.

And maybe that's why I can stop myself from asking him, "You wanna get out of here?"

Mason's eyes bore holes into the motorcycle, pondering my question. No doubt running statistics about the potential for injury through his head. And probably contemplating the absurdity of running away with a criminal, one whom he hardly knows.

"Are you more afraid of me or the motorcycle?" I joke.

Mason looks me straight in the eye with a humorless expression. "It's close. But I think the motorcycle wins."

"Relax, Mason, he's a gentle one. He won't bite. Much."

I swing a leg over the seat and sit, looking up at the brown eyed boy. Mason swallows slowly and then grabs the helmet from my outstretched hand.

With a quick rev of the engine, we speed away from Sherwood Innovations.

We speed away from the bad memories and the revenge that consumed me.

We speed away from the corruption and double life that tore at Mason.

And together we race towards an uncertain future - one undoubtedly filled with some sort of adventure.

Because what's a life without a little bit of danger and exhilaration?

Certainly not a life that I, Robin the Hood and (my, maybe, potentially, could be in the future after several dates and some trust exercises, boyfriend) Mason Marion would be interested in.

We want one exciting enough to tell tales about.

And so I attest and attend, that the world hasn't seen the last of the valiant, honest, and cunning, Robin the Hood. 

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