Episode 2: Big Time Brother

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      "Yeah you roll those pretty eyes, baby keep 'em locked on mine. You won't wanna miss tonight." Kendall Knight closed his eyes as he belted out the words to his band's newest song, "Watch Me." Kendall opened his eyes and glanced outside the recording booth when his turn to sing was over. He locked eyes with Jo Taylor and smiled. His girlfriend of more than a year, off and on, smiled back and waved. He then moved his gaze to the younger girl beside her. Katie Knight waved to her big brother before going back to the game she was playing on her phone. Kendall sighed. He had brought them both along to work today so that they could hang out while watching Big Time Rush work on their album, but everyime he saw them, the two girls were ignoring each other.

     "KENDALL!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Kendall reared back at the sudden screaming that filled the booth. With a shudder, he looked up again to see his now red-faced producer, Gustavo Roque, sreaming at him yet again "PAY ATTENTION TO THE SONG, NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Kendall blushed slightly and turned his attention back to the music in front of him.

     But before the music could start to play again, the door to the studio opened."Yes, Kendall, pay attention to the song." Arthur Griffin, CEO of the company that owned Roque Records and therefore everyone's boss, made his entrance on a pedicab pulled by his assistant Abdul. "Park here, Abdul." The older man climbed out and joined Gustavo at the soundboard. Leaning into the microphone, he continued, "I saw you looking over at Jo, Kendall. In fact, I saw everything. Logan, your fly is down."

     A mix of shock and embarrassment crossed band member Logan Mitchell's face before he turned around to fix his zipper. He turned back around. "How did you see that, Griffin?"

     "It's all a part of the way I'm keeping 24/7 watch of this album making process, because this album has to be good," Griffin answered, walking back over to his pedicab. "You see, from this bicycle cart, I can see everything you are doing anytime."

     "Like Santa Clause?" Carlos Garcia smiled at the thought of candycanes and snow and chubby little magical old men. He patted the hockey helmet he always wore. "I'm being good, right?"

     "No, Carlos," Griffin replied. Carlos frowned. "I do not have any magical way of watching you, not yet, anyway. But I do have money. And you know what money can buy? Cameras!"

     "Uh, Griffin, I thought we got over the watching us with cameras thing when you wanted to put us on a reality show," Kendall reminded everyone of the former incident, shuddering again at the memory of its consequences and the embarrassment he had almost had to endure on national television due to what  the cameras had caught then.

     "Yes, that was a failure," Griffin recalled. "But this time is different, becasue this time only I and my survellience team will have access to the camera footage. I want to make sure this album is perfect, and to be perfect, you will have to be thinking, eating, and breathing this album at all hours of the day. So, boys, work hard, because I'll be watching you!" With an evil smile, Griffin hopped into his pedicab once again and commanded Abdul to cart him away.

     "Gustavo, can he do that?" James Diamond, the fourth and final member of the band, inquired.

     Gustavo sighed. "Honestly, James, I don't know, but I am going to find out! But until then, you dogs better be on your best behavior and working your tails off or Griffin might cancel the album!" The boys hated the idea of their last album being taken away. 

     "What? Cancel the album?" James voiced everyone's shock.

     "SO GET TO WORK!" Gustavo screamed.

     The band leaned into their microphones again and sang, "Ah, ah, ah, ah, oh!"


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