Chapter 18

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"I think Nathan is hiding something from me. Something big. And I-I think h-he is che-ating on me." She finishes and I sit there.

I just sit and stare at her. Completely clueless of what to do. But there is one thing I am sure of.

I am screwed.
"Why would you think that?" I ask trying my hardest to keep my voice steady.

"I don't know for sure, but recently he has been really distant and has been flaky. You know like I will be talking to him and he will just be daydreaming and staring at the ceiling. And whenever I try to make plans with him lately, he will make up an obvious lie. And I think it's because he likes someone else." She answers tears streaming down her face.

"Kayla, those could mean anything." I say trying to turn her away from the idea of him cheating.

"Yeah I know and I searched his phone." She says. My heart stops. Nathan and I had been texting and I don't remember if we ever said anything about us being together.

We were careful about that. But you can never be 100% sure when it comes to something you can't fully remember.

"He wasn't texting or calling anybody besides his guy friends, his family, and us. But I just have this gut feeling he is lying to me. What if he is tired of me? And-and he is going to break up with me? Should I break up with him before he breaks up with me?"
She says in a rush, the tears were running down her face constantly.

"Kayla you are being irrational. He loves you! And if in your heart you think it's best to part, then remember that when love is real, it finds a way." I answer. Saying that Nathan loved her killed me. Even though I know it's true it still hurt to say it out loud.

"But this relationship has been going on for 7 years. 7 fucking years. Longer than my mom's first marriage. Why would you dump that down the drain over a guess?" I ask. No matter how much I like Nathan, I can't continue to see Kayla like this. I can feel her sadness.

"I know my your right, Lulu. It's just...idk he has been so ofv lately and I just have to talk to him about it. Thank you for sitting here and making me rational again. But we should go or you will be late for cheer practice." She say wiping off her tears. "I am so glad I wore water proof mascara today." I laugh at her statement.

"Me too. Especially because then we would be REALLY late for school cause you take forever to clean up." I joke.

We soon left the house to go to school 20 minutes late for practice.
"OKAY GUYS 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 BASKET TOSS TRIPLE BACK HAND SPRING ON THE FLOOR! WATCH YOUR LANDING KACCEY! OKAY AND 1-2-3-4 AND UP! GOD DAMMIT BEKA GET YOUR LEG TO SARAHS HAND! THERE YOU GO! AND WE ALL YELL WHAT?" I scream at the team waiting in our finishing positions for them to reply and they did, loud and in unison. "WE ARE SENIOR ELITE!"

"GREAT JOB NOW FALL BACK TO THE SPOTTERS! SPOTTERS BE READY!" And with that, I and the rest of the flyers fall back into the waiting arms of the spotters.


I walk over to my cheer bag and grab out my clothes for today, ready to change.

"Hey Lulu!" Someone calls me. I turn and see Dylan jogging towards me.

"Ya, what's up?" I ask.

"Are we still practicing our duet at your house after cheer?" He asked. We had made plans to practice tonight and I had nothing else going on, so I nodded with a smile.

"Great I will just follow you after practice. Okay?" He questions. Again I just nod in agreement. He turns to leave, but I remembered that I needed to compliment him on his floor work.
"Hey Dylan, great job on your aerial to backflip. You made it look easy! And it is one hard trick to master. Great job." (Stunt shown in video below)

"Thanks Lulu. See you after school." And with that we walked to our separate locker rooms to change.


When it was close to lunch time I made a final decision. My decision about Nathan.

No matter how much I loved Nathan, I had to put Kayla first. He is her boyfriend and I can't take that from her. He loves her, so it won't be horribly difficult to keep them together.

This is going to be one of the hardest things I will ever do.

"Lulu, come on snap out of it!" I turned to see Hanna standing there hand next to my face trying to get my attention.

"Sorry I was just thinking. Let's go to lunch." I say closing my locker, and turning on my heels to head over to the cafeteria.

I was mindlessly eating a salad when finally Nathan and Kayla showed up.

"What took you two so long?" I asked putting on a fake smile.

"Uhm. We were just talking. So did I miss anything?" Kayla replies sitting down next to me, and Nathan settled down next to her.

"Other than the fact that Lulu has been out of it, than no." Katy says.

Before anyone can say anything I decide it's time to tell Nathan.

"Uhm. I have to go get something from my locker." I say standing. I give Nathan a look that says 'follow me' and walk out of the cafeteria and to my locker.

I stand there back against the cold metal for about 3 minutes before Nathan rounds the corner and walks towards me.

"Lulu, what's going on?" He asks. His brown eyes full of worry.

"I can't tell you here. Come on." I grab his hand, sending tingles through my body. I guide him into a storage closet that the custodians dont even use, so it's empty.

"Lulu what is wrong?" Nathan inquires but he doesn't let go of my hands.

"Kayla knows about you cheating on her. Not necessarily with me, but she knows. And this morning, I saw her more broken than I have ever seen her. Because of us. Because of me. I can't keep doing this to her. She loves you, you love her, and I am just the obstacle that is testing yalls relationship. I am just the interference. So you passed the test, and now it's time to move on." I say. My voice a tad bit unsteady, but it is more under control than I suspected it would be.

"What do you mean?" His face turned from worry to confusion.

"I can't do this anymore. I can't keep hurting her. Good bye Nathan." I say and just as I was about to walk out of the closet, Nathan pulls me back to him by the arm, and presses his lips to mine.

We mold together. All the love we have for each other was put into the kiss. Our lips moving in sync. I wrap my arms around his neck, playing with the hair there. I could feel his heat radiating on to me. No Kayla, I have to pull away. NOW.

It took everything I had, but I pushed Nathan away.

"No! We are done, don't do that anymore." I say my voice stern. Then I turn, throw the door open and run to the bathroom.
This chapter is dedicated to carefure659480 because she helped me with the idea for this chapter.
Thank you for reading!

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