Chapter 4

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"You know she is right." Kayla said, well more like whispered. I could barely hear her.

" Kayla, no she is not. She is just like an over pertective sister. No one is good enough for him in her eyes." I say putting my hand on her shoulder, but she pulls away.

"Except for you." She says then opens the car door and leaves, walking into school.

My heart sinks. I have a lot of friends at school, but she is my best friend, and I can't lose her. What does she expect me to do? It is not like I am God and can tell Charlotte hat to believe.

Yes Char does like me, but when it comes to Kayla, nothing can stop her hatred. Not even Nathan.

I sigh, grab my brown bag, and open the door to get out. I lock the car behind me, and as soon as I walk into school a big group of people crowd me. Well not random people, my friends.

"Omg! Lulu I love your outfit."

"Where's Kayla?"

"Where's Nathan"

"Are you free Saturday?"

"Party Friday! My house 9 o'clock."

Everybody was yelling and my day was already bad so I snapped.

" SHUT THE HELL UP" I scream.

Every one goes silent. All of them staring at me. Some with wonder, some with annoyance, and some with fear in their eyes.

"Goodness! I can not hear a million people at once! Okay who said there was a party?" I asked looking around.

"Man so controlling *laughs*. It was me! Party at my house at 9 on Friday." My friend Sarah says. Flipping her curly red hair over her shoulders. She is pretty, pale and thin with light freckles on her nose.

But she body wise is in good shape... meaning she isn't a nobody here.

"Okay, I will be there. The rest of you just ask me later. I have to go to class." I say walking away. Sarah and Rosy follow me. Rosy is really pretty she has blue hair with green eyes. She is like a badass good girl, which I like.

We talked about the party and cute guys and of course, Kayla and Nathan.

I didn't tell them about the whole Charlotte thing this morning, but we talked about their seven year anniversary.

" Lulu! I need your help!" A voice said behind me. I turned around to see Nathan holding a paper.

"With what?" I asked kindly.

"I need a math tutor and Principal Robins said for me to ask you. Because you have the highest grades in school. I would ask Kayla, but mathematics is not her strong point." Nathan says, handing me the paper.

It is a letter from Principal Robins asking if I could tutor Nathan. I look up at Nathan and smile.

"Sure I will tutor you. We can start after school and work for about a hour or two then go home." I reply.

"Sounds good!" Nathan says walking to class.

Thanks for reading!!!
And don't forget to message me what you think.
- Maddie

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