Chapter 10

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As soon as we park the car and get out, Alice is taking us inside the house to change into the dresses she got for us. Once we are changed we head to Carlisle's room to see a old 18th century oil painting.

"The Volturi are a very old, very powerful family..." Edward says

"They are not that old." I say

"The closest thing my world has to a royalty..." Edward says

"Is that...Carlisle?" Bella asked

"The Volturi are also what you might call enforcers." Edward said

"Of what?" Bella asked

"The only rules we have: To keep secret the existence of our kind. We don't make spectacles of ourselves, or kill conspicuously, unless we want to die." Edward said

Bella then spins on Edward.

"Don't even -- talk about that. You can't let anyone hurt you. The Volturi or anyone else." Bella asked

"Who else would hurt me?" Edward asked

"You said there were more dangerous things out there than you. And I know you have at least one enemy --." Bella said

I think of Victoria and I know Bella did as well.

"You said she'd come after you for killing her mate." Bella said

"If you want to go that route Ana killed James. Yes, some day. But Alice will see her coming. And she won't win." Edward said

"Thanks for that Edward." I said

"I hate that I can't protect you." Bella said

Edward laughs, amused. Bella on the other hand is not.

"That was me being serious." Bella said

"(kissing her face) I know. But you do protect me... (kisses her nose) from boredom... (kisses her lips) and loneliness... (in between kisses) you give me a reason to stay... un-dead. But it' job to protect you..." Edward said

He stops and smiles then I hear why he is smiling.

"...from everyone but my sister." Edward say

Alice the burst the door opens and dances in.

"It's time it's time it's time." Alice chants

Sometimes I wonder how she has so much energy. We all head to the second floor landing. Alice tugs Bella who is dragging her feet. She the skips down the stairs. I headed down the stairs and am hugged as soon as my feet leave the last stair. I look up to see Rosalie.

"Hey Rosey." I said

"Hey Ana." Rose said

I was then taken out of her arms by Jasper. I look around the living room to see hundreds of pink candles, roses and lily filled crystal bowls. I can see that Bella would like nothing more than to just disappear.

"Sorry about all this. We tried to rein Alice in." Carlisle said

"Like that's even possible. Happy birthday Ana, Bella." Esme said

I see a flash and look over to see Alice holding Bella's camera.

"Found it in your bag. Mind?" Alice asked

Emmett moves to Edward's side. Nudges him.

"Dating an older woman. Hot." Emmett said

Bella caught that. Edward elbows him and I glare.

"What?" Emmett asked

"Touchy subject." I said

Rosalie steps up. Shoves a silver a package at Bella, then hands me a black package.

Lilliana Swan (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now