Heartbreak And Torture

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When Ulquiorra and Grimmjow arrive back in Hecco Mundo from the mission Souske Aizen had given them, the green eyed espada calmly hands Gin the foreign object.

"Gin, where is Lord Aizen?" Ulquiorra asks with the same level of calmness as usual, his Stoic expression never changing or showing any interest.

"Lord Aizen is with Yuki somewhere in Las Nochas~" Gin replies smoothly, eyes closed with a large grin plastered go his snake-like face. "I doubt you'll find them though~"

"Hmpf." Grimmjow expresses casually as he pushes past the two seemingly tense men. "Just watch me."

Gin chuckles a bit at the sexta's reaction and waves the two Espada off to go find Aizen and Yuki Chifer, Ulquiorra silently searching the palace in an attempt to locate them. After a few minutes of walking without a real destination determined, Grimmjow huffs out a sigh.

"You find them yet?" He asks the emotionless Espada with a low growl rumbling beneath his words slightly.


"Well hurry up!" Grimmjow growls, uselessly hurrying the higher ranking Espada.

After several more minutes of Grimmjow impatiently walking the halls of Las Nochas with Ulquiorra beside him, the green eyed quatro speeds up a little, an easy feat with his long legs and long strides.

Noticing this, Grimmjow gives the man a weird look before voicing his thoughts, "Did you finally find them?"

"Yes, I believe I have." Ulquiorra replies in his usual neutral voice.

"Then hurry up!" Grimmjow yells as he curses.

With a slight nod and no warning, Ulquiorra sonidos to the destination in mind, going to the white sands of Huecco Mundo and leaving Grimmjow behind, an opject in Aizen's pocket dousing the raven haired espada's spiritial pressure to keep the sexta's pressence away for a while.

"Ah, Ulquiorra, nice of you to meet us here." Aizen says smoothly, alerting the Espada to his presence and forcing his emerald green eyes to look at his superior.

"Lord Aizen.." Ulquiorra greets with a slight polite bow of his head.

"Damnit Aizen, why are we out here and why did you want my brother here as well?" Yuki Chifer asks, growling through clenched teeth as her eyes flare red.

"I can't tell you that, you'll soon see." Aizen says as his lips twitch upwards.

"What the hell are you planning you bastard?!" Yuki growls, fists clenching tightly, earning a small chuckle from Aizen.

With no response from Aizen, Yuki points her zanpakto's blade at the ex-soul reaper captain, her spiritual pressure rises and moving the white sand around in a miniature dust devil. As her spiritual pressure continues to rise to a threatening level, Aizen glares at her from the corner of his eye, brown eyes pointed at her slender body.

In response to her threatening him, Aizen's eyes narrow slightly. "Put your sword away, child." He orders, strength residing within the demand.

"Like hell I will!" She shouts at him.

"Lord Aizen.." Ulquiorra interrupts, "What's going on?"

"Well then.. It would seem the time has come.." Aizen says before turning to look his prized fourth espada. "Say goodbye, Ulquiorra, for the time has come for the two of you to take different paths."

"What the.. What are you talking about? There's no way I'm gonna leave my brother!" Yuki yells as she prepares herself for a fight.

"Oh but you already are." Aizen declares smoothly, a smirk spreading across his lips.

In a matter of seconds, Aizen's figure blurs only slightly, Ulquiorra's green eyes noticing the glint of a sharp object being lurched forwards and plunged deep into his sister's stomach and retracted with the same blur of speed barely comprehensible to Ulquiorra himself. As the blade is quickly removed from her abdomen, her lifeblood is hurled out in splatters, droplets hitting his pale face and making Aizen grin even more.

Before taking the chance tl get hit with the scarlet droplets, Aizen flash steps away, the sheer speed of the movement being unable to follow as he reappears by a mound of sand.

At the same time as this happens, Yuki Chifer is dropped to her knees, hands clutching the spot where the blade had been, blood gushing through her shaking fingers and making her wide eyes tremble with emotion.

As soon as time returns to normal for Ulquiorra and speeds back up, his normally narrowed and emotionless green eyes widening to the size of saucers and lips parting with a soft audible gasp.

"..Yuki!!" He yells as he rushes over to her, catching her weakened body before she collapses into the sand beneath the dead tree.

"..Broth..er.." She says weakly, trembling voice barely above a whisper as she reached up to softly stroke the side of his pale cheek.

"Yuki.." He manages to croak out, "Don't die.."

"Brother.. Be strong.." Yuki says as her hand drops, no strength left to hold any parts of her body up as her blood spills onto the prestine white sane beneath them and staining both of their white arrancar uniforms.

Ulquiorra's own eyes tremble with emotion and squint against the tears that threaten to spill from his emerald orbs, forgotten and suppressed emotions rising to the surface as fear over his sister dying racks through his arrancar body. As he watches his dying sister, his mind turns to darker thoughts, thoughts of him being unable to save her. Thoughts of also killing Aizen for him killing her.

As Ulquiorra thinks this, he turns to look at the perpetrator of the one who had ran a blade through his now dying sister. He then points a single pale finger at the brown haired man and charges one of his strongest ceros. As he does this, his sister charges one of her own, a small and weak cero forming at the edge of her sword and firing at the same time as his, surprising him further.

With the two ceros combined, Aizen flash steps away with a smirk, disappearing to leave Yuki as the only trace of evidence of him ever being there.

With Aizen gone, Ulquiorra points his saddened eyes back to his dying sister only to see her fading fast, the cero using the last of her strength and life force. As soon as he sees the life leave her eyes and feel her body go limp, his face twists with pain and agony, tears stinging his eyes.

"Yuki, no.." He chokes out as the first tear slides down his pale face, following the teal tear marks. The tears continue to spill uncontrollably as he silently clutches the lifeless body that once was Yuki Chifer.

~Back to reality~

The prescense of a new foreign spiritual pressure reaching Souske Aizen's chamber snaps the normally Stoic espada out of his thoughts, his numb brain just barely processing the threatening spiritual pressure of an enraged soul reaper.

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