Akward Meeting

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I wiped over the counter one more time before rinsing the sponge and hanging it over the tap. I made sure the front doors were locked before grabbing my bag and leaving the diner. It was only 7:00pm so I was able to walk home. The diner was on a café/restaurant strip so just now the restaurants were opening. I always walked home so I gave a wave to the busy waitresses. They all replied with a wave or the usual ‘hi Charlie’. As I got home I pushed my key into the locked door and swung it open. “I’m home” I yelled getting an answer back straight away.

“In the kitchen”. Sure enough Kate was in the kitchen cooking dinner while her boyfriend Declan watched over her shoulder.

“what cha making’ bacon?”

“Spag bowl” she answered

“Yum” I said making her and Declan chuckle. “Wanna watch the game with me Dec?” I asked he nodded with enthusiasm. He raced n and turned the TV set on to the Chelsea vs. Manchester city game. We were both man city fans. The rest of the night was spent eating spaghetti and watching football. At about 10:00 I excused myself to go to bed.

I woke up to the sound of banging and crashing. I yawned before getting up and walking to my window to see what the commotion was. People were moving into the house beside ours. It was a massive house with a pool, spa and a massive yard. My window was in line with the other houses window which meant I was able to see a clear view of the back garden. The house had been on sale for a while now so Kate and I often snuck over there to take advantage of the luxuries. But I guess now we couldn’t. I watched as a few workers helped 5 boys move their stuff into the house. I immediately noticed who they were. “Shit” I cursed.

“Kattttte” I yelled running down the stairs.


“He’s here, not just him but all of them” I rambled on worriedly.

‘’shh shh babe, it’ll be alright” she soothed, knowing exactly who I was taking about.

Harry Styles was my best friend. We did everything together since we met in Pre K. We told each other everything and were practically inseparable. I even remember when we were 10 we decided to ‘marry each other’ Oh gosh. But we were very sure to put that we were marrying to be best friend forever on the invitations Harry had copied off his aunt’s invitation they had stuck to their fridge. We pretended that my uncle was the priest and we gave each other a friendship bracelet. Those were the days.

The day harry auditioned for the x-factor I had an exam and didn’t get to see him perform. He promised we would catch up and keep talking. I always called and texted and when he didn’t reply I would shrug it off because he was living the superstar lifestyle and all. But after about 3 months of trying I gave up and accepted that he most probably had forgotten me. Now seeing him made all the feelings of hurt came back. He was gone when I needed him most. I needed him to help me get through tough times and things that I always thought we would discuss.

I looked up at the clock and realized that I needed to be at work in half an hour. I pulled myself together and went to have a shower. I pulled a Brown leather jacket over my half crop top and pulled up my blue jeans to put on my vans. I grabbed my bag, phone and put my sunnies on as I walked out. Keeping my head low I walked out to my car. I felt myself bump into award figure. I looked up to see piercing green eyes and curly hair.

“Sorry love”

“That’s fine”

“I was just going to see if this was yours” he said holding up a dark blue bikini top with small white polka dots. Shit I mentally cursed. “We found it near the spa. Is it yours?”

“Ah um no sorry it’s not mine” I lied

“sorry this is a bit weird but have met before? You just seem familiar”

“Um no I know that your Harry Styles but we have never met before”

“wait I remeb-“

“sorry I have to get to work” I cut him off and walked to my car. I drove off without a second glance.

The day went past pretty quickly and I soon found I had only an hour until my shift finished.

“I can’t wait to go home” I groaned to my co-worker Jess.

“you can once you serve that group of guys” my boss Lesley said as she walked past. I groaned once again and looked to see the costumers. I froze in my spot and I saw 5 familiar faces.

“Jess please will you do that table pretty please” I begged

“there are not enough prettiy’s in the world that would make me stay he any longer than I should be. Theyr’e hot, you be fine. Catch ya!” she said cheerfully  and skipped out the door.

“customers” Lesley reminded me. I huffed once again before walking over to the table the boys were at.

‘’what can I get you” I asked

“um well Niall will just have the whole menu” harry laughed earning a shove, but he still didn’t look up which was good. The rest of the boys all ordered and when it was his turn he still hadn’t noticed me.

“ok ok umm I’ll just have a chicken burger thanks- wait Charlie?”


Hi there again!

I've got heaps of chapters ready to go i just need reads to update....

If you have read the first chapter and are reading this can you please comment something-anything so i know who you are because i don't know who the readers are and i would like to please.

*remember to comment suggestions and ideas(all suggestions that are used will get a dedication)

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 07, 2013 ⏰

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