Chapter Twenty Three-Sister Wives

Start from the beginning

"No. You will no longer disguise yourself. There is no need. You will stay in the palace among Ambhi's women and servants. I need to know that you will be safe and out of harm's way. Please obey me this time," Alexander urged.

I nodded mutely.

"And to make sure of that, I have dispose your previous armor," Alexander said with a smirk, "Farewell for now, my Queen,"

With that, he left.


Alexander sent for Ambhi's women, who dressed me in a royal sari, treating me like a queen for the first time. I felt like a woman once more, my raven hair flowing freely behind me and dressed elegantly with glittering jewels encrusted in my clothing. It had been so long since I felt like royalty, feeling so free to do whatever I so desired.

King Ambhi's women were much different than the harlots I had met in Alexander's camp and the concubines in the palace I grew up in

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King Ambhi's women were much different than the harlots I had met in Alexander's camp and the concubines in the palace I grew up in. These women were sister wives, friendly and loving towards each other. Seeing their sisterly bond made me miss my dear little Cassandra. I wondered how she was fairing, had she got to live the life she wanted to live. I sighed at the thought.

One thing the concubines love is dance. They showed me the ways to please a man through dance. The constant swaying of the hips, the seductiveness of dance. The women would a routine and I would copy it with their help. I learned how to make myself desirable in ways I never knew where possible. Dance enchanted me in a way I never knew it could.

"Very good," Mandra, Ambhi's chief wife said, "You have done very well today. I think we are done for today. The men should be returning soon and we must prepare for dinner and my sisters and I need to prepare for our evening dance,"

"Evening dance?" I ponder.

"Yes. His Majesty, King Ambhi requires a dance each and every night during dinner. We don't get to dine with the men because we must perform for them during this time. That is why we eat beforehand. Do you plan to join us for dinner at least?" Mandra explained.

"Of course!" I responded.

The sister wives and I headed into the royal kitchen and pantry, gathering food. All of us sat around a table in the pantry, eating grapes, bread, and other fruits. Suddenly, the door to the pantry burst open to reveal the dancer that enticed Alexander form the night before. She looked frustrated, stomping her way over to us. Her eyes landed on me.

"And who is this?" she demanded to know.

"Sibani, this is Roxana, the new queen of Macedonia and the wife of Alexander," Mandra introduced, "Roxana, this is Sibani, the newest edition to King Ambhi's harlem,"

"Alexander's wife? So you are the woman he so rudely tossed me aside for!" Sibani snarled, pointing at me.

"He is my husband," I said firmly.

"Sibani, please. She is our guest and we must treat her with the same respect as she treats us. Now please control yourself before King Ambhi finds out of your behavior," Mandra hissed.

"Oh please, hush Mandra," Sibani shushed before turning back to me, "All you are is a pretty face. Soon enough, your precious husband will realize that and move on to another bride, just as King Ambhi did with all these pathetic harlots," she said, motioning to the rest of the women. I sat there speechless.

"Now that is enough!" one of the sister wives, Geeta, chimed in.

Mandra stood, "Sibani, you are out of line. Leave, before I decide to tell Ambhi about your rudeness to our guest and your fellow sisters,"

Sibani glared at Mandra before looking back at me, "I will be back for you, don't worry," then she stormed out.

Mandra sighed, walking over to me and putting a hand on my shoulder, "I'm so sorry for her. Come on, we must get ready to leave for the men's dinner,"

"I think I will stay out for a little while longer. To recollect my thoughts," I said.

"Alright. Farewell for now, Queen Roxana," Mandra said her goodbyes before elaving with her sister wives to get ready for the dinner performance.

It was strange to hear myself be referred to as Queen Roxana. I sighed, pondering the idea of being a queen. Then, it was time to go. I got up from my chair, leaving my food barely touched. I left the pantry, wandering the halls in order to get back to the room Alexander and I had stayed within. I followed my feet, leading me down the corridors. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't look back, but instead, I walked faster.

My feet carried me faster and further away from the noise. I rounded the corner, only to be cornered myself. King Ambhi stood before me, pinning me to the corridor wall. I gasped in surprise, looking up at him in confusion.

"Your Majesty, may I help you?" I asked in curiosity.

"Yes, you may help me. I have this sudden urge, this curiosity about you. Alexander told me all about you. How you were his hostage at first, then his wife, then disguised yourself as a man to stay with your king even though you so passionately hated him for killing your lover. You seem so fascinating," he whispered, his breath having the stench of alcohol. I gagged, squirming under his gaze.

"What do you want?" I asked, trying to move away. His grip tightened on both of my arms.

"Is it not obvious? You," he whispered, his mouth suddenly trespassing my boundaries. I pushed him away, but it didn't change a thing. I fought against him with all my strength. He kissed my neck, slightly biting into me as I cried out. I didn't know what else to do. I screamed before a fist connected with my head.

Then, I collapsed into the darkness, hearing the chuckles of Ambhi. I awaited for death to follow.

WOAH!! How do you guys like all the new characters like Ambhi, Geeta, Sibani, and Mandra? Ambhi isn't as innocent as we thought. Hope you guys enjoyed the second update as a treat!!

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