Chapter 10

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The next morning, I had woken up to an empty bed. She was gone. I looked on the table beside me to see that her phone was gone as well. I got up, stretching still in my suit. Walking around I come to the conclusion that she wasn't here at all,

Until I groggily walked into the bathroom to see her taking a bubble bath in the tub.

I stood there watching her like some twelve year old boy whose never seen boobs before. (Not that I saw her boobs)

But it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Not because I'm a boy, or I'm horny or 22, but because the sight was beautiful. This beautiful demure woman, with her body all except for her knees and her neck up covered by bubbles that smelt like lavender, her eyes closed, hair ethereally flowing about her shoulders and her mouth slightly agape. She was definitely the cynosure of my eyes.

I wish I could've taken a picture, not for any sexual values, but because of the beauty of this woman. Because of how it was consuming me.
She was consuming me.

I lean back and to my displeasure I accidentally slam the door with my back and she jolts in the water, startled. To my surprise, this makes her begin to cry.

But she sucks it up when she was brought back to reality and looks at me. "Harry, can't you knock?"

I was at a loss for words. I mean I did seem like a creep, what the hell I am a creep, but I was drawn to her. I needed her.

"I'm terribly sorry." I said turning around.

"Harry, if you wanted to see me naked, just ask." With the tone in her voice, I couldn't tell if she was serious.

My eyes went wide when I heard her stand up. I heard her wet footsteps leading out and then I saw her, walking toward her room in her towel. With a sigh of relief, I walked into the kitchen and took off my shirt.

I realized I left my phone in the room and I'd need it, so I waited about 10 minutes and knocked on the door. She told me to come in as she was putting on her top.

"So, last night." She spoke up.

I nodded, "last night."

"Did you get what you wanted?"


"Did you get everything you wanted?"

"I did. I had a great time with you, Lea."

She smiled softly to herself, slowly brushing our her hair.

"Sorry I was a drunk hot mess."

"Stop it, you were perfect."

I made my way toward her and looked down at her, as she tied her hair into a loose ponytail. I smiled at her and quietly thanked her.

She was looking back at me as my hand was placed on the side of her face, my thumb caressing her lips softly. I swear she let an almost barely audible moan go.

I slowly reached down to meet our lips when her phone rang. She jolted out of her trance and reached for it, my actions halted to a stop.

"Hello? Ugh yeah, I forgot. I'm sorry! I'll be there in ten, thanks!" She groaned hanging up. "I forgot I had to go in early today, sorry Harry."

"It's alright. But when can I see you again?."

She let let out a chuckle before grabbing an outfit from her closet, "tomorrow evening." She laughed and left the apartment.

So I decided to surprise her.

I got fresh clothes from home and did some grocery shopping, soon I arrived back to her apartment and begin with my mission.

She left about 7 am, so a 12 hour shift would led her home at about 8,8:30. So I was going to make dinner for her. I'm sure she would love that.


I fell asleep at around 11, and it wasn't until I heard the door slam did I wake up.
Looking at the time it was 2 in the morning and she just got home.

I don't think she noticed I was here because she just plopped on her bed, and didn't move.

"Lea?" No answer.


"Harry? What the hell? How come you're still here?" It didn't hit me til now. What she was wearing. A short dress, her heels still clutched in her hand and red lipstick messing the sheets from where she just moved her face. She didn't turn around to face me. And that was good because I was beyond confused.

And kind of hurt.

"Where did you go, Lea?"

"To work, Harry."

"Dressed like that?"

"Some of my friends. Um asked me to go out with them after for one of their birthdays."

"Well dinners on the stove, I'll be on my way." I huffed. I know I had no right to be angry. But I was. I was hurt.

"Harry it's okay, I'll eat with you." She said defeatedly.
"It smells wonderful. Just let me clean up, okay?"

I waited probably 20 minutes before she emerged with pjs and a full face of makeup still.

"You know, you can take off your makeup? You look beautiful to me either way."

"Thanks, but no thanks. I'm ugly as hell without it."

"I didn't think so this morning."

"Harry please?!" She said angered by my annoying remarks.

"Okay, okay." I said as she put a forkful in her mouth.

"This is really good, Harry. Thank you."

"You're welcome love."

By the time we were done, she said goodnight and kissed my cheek. I gathered my things as she washed her face, and I was about to leave.

I saw her plop into bed and heard her phone ringing. She was already out cold.

I walked into her room and put it on silent before noticing the bruises on her collarbone, but the one I couldn't miss was the huge bruise on her forehead.

What the fuck am I missing here?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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