Chapter 6

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A day and a half. I have waited an entire day and a half. Just 5 more hours to go! I have not went to sleep since yesterday, and today, I'm not sleeping because I just can't. Excitement builds within me, and my eyes won't close for more than two milliseconds. I will finally get to see the girl my brain and heart are yearning for, for no particular reason.

It was ridiculous if you ask me.

I wonder why I'm acting like this. This is kind of cliche, hooked on a girl.

But have you ever been drawn to something that you know you shouldn't be? Like the present your mom tells you to stay away from?

She was the present. I needed to unwrap her, and find out what she was hiding...

So, to keep my mind off things, I decided to distract myself with stupid questions.

In Yankee Doodle, did he call his pony or the feather macaroni?

If a bald person is a chef, do they still have to wear hairnets while cooking?

Why is abbreviated such a long word?

Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but don't point to their
Wewee when they ask where the bathroom is?

By the time I finish pondering the questions, I see I killed an hour.

A yawn dares escapes my mouth. No! I won't give in!

I felt so jittery and melodramatic at the same time.

Oh, how about- thinking about where to take her on a date?

A restaurant- a lake, a beach, anything. I don't know.

What if she alike allergic to water?

Really Harold?" I internally groan at myself.

She likes the water. I know that because that rock by the water was like her solace.

It maybe soothes her.

Or a more public place? Why would she want to go to a secluded little lake with a stranger? Or maybe the beach? There are plenty of people at the beach?

No. It's October in America. On the east coast. She'll freeze her ass off.
But she's been there before- but like we won't swim- unless she wants to..

Ok restaurant it is.

I remember some restaurants from the other day, and how that stroll down the street was precisely for this purpose.

But then my mind wanders to that "Cherry" chick. I could've sworn she was Avaline. The sunglasses and American accent had been messing with my head, though.

My eyes begin to close and I stared up at the ceiling.

I am so tired. But my mind doesn't want me to.

Looking at the clock, two hours to go.

It's 6am and I could get up, but now I'm rather sluggish.

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