"That means a lot. And we're always glad to help a fan." Ashton said.

"I should really get going before my Mum gets m- worried." I corrected myself.

"Uh, yeah sure. See you around?" Calum said.

"See you around." I clarified.

He opened the door and I waved at them as I walked across my lawn.

I glanced over and saw them peeking through the curtain as I opened my door.

"AMBER!" My mum called.

"Yes, Mum." I said. This house has thin walls and our flats are close together so I'm sure they could hear when she yells.

"DID YOU GET MY VODKA?" She yelled from the kitchen.

"Yes, Mum." I told her and handed her the bottle when I walked in.

"Good. Maybe I won't have a reason to hit you one more time before bed." She evilly smirked.

"I wish." I muttered under my breath. I know I shouldn't have said it, but c'mon! She always finds another reason to hit me, no matter what.


I yelped in pain as she repeatedly punched me. After a handful more, she finally stopped. I could feel my face burning with a familiar sensation.

She opened a bottle of vodka and took a swig.

I took this as my chance, so I fled to my room and sat in my window sill. I always loved the stars. There was something calming about them.

Today they weren't calming enough. I went to the washroom that was connected to my bedroom and looked under the towels that were in the cupboard. I grabbed what I needed and went back into my room.

I sat in the window sill again, and put the razor to my wrist while I watched the stars twinkle. I slid it across and repeated this until the physical pain was greater than the mental pain.

I held the bloody razor up and watched it shine in the moon light before I stood up and put it away.

I sighed and layed in bed, facing the window, and watched the stars. Something caught my eye right before I closed my eyes.

It was the boys. They were looking out their window, into mine, while they were talking about something.

Why are they looking towards me? What are they talking about? Wh-

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud bang from downstairs. I shot out of bed and ran down the stairs.

Not this again. Mum passed out.

I walked over to her limp body and lifted it from the floor.

I let the tears fall while I carried her up the stairs like I've done so many times before.

I walked past my room and entered Mums. I flipped on the switch and saw the boys turn their head to look in her window. Why are they looking at my house anyways?

I layed Mum down in her bed and started to walk out.

"Being me a beer." Mum slurred.

"Just sleep, Mum." I told her. That woke her up sooner than it should have. She angrily got up and walked towards me.

I looked over and saw the boys still staring at me through the window. What's their problem?

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" She yelled.

"I'm sorry, Mum."

"No you're not! You're an awful child! Why do I put up with you?" She yelled.

I gulped as she got closer. She grabbed my chin and forced me to look at her as tears formed in my eyes.

"Wanna know why I drink so much?" She paused. "I'm always hoping that maybe I can forget about you!" She smirked. Everything she says and does screams 'evil'.

She gave me a single punch in the eye. "Go get me a beer."

I nodded and scurried down the stairs.

I grabbed one from the counter and brought it upstairs.

"Here, Mum." I handed it to her.

"You know what? I decided I want some strawberry liquor." She smirked.

"Yes, Mum." I complied, not wanting anymore pain.

I quickly went to my room and I felt the boys eyes on me. I quickly changed into my routine outfit and went out the back door.

I looked up and saw the boys watching me. Damn it. Ya know what? I don't care. Let them see.

I climbed the fence, went through the window, grabbed the liquor, climbed out the window, and climbed over my fence.

I glanced up at the window the boys had been at, and saw them all staring at me in surprise.

I walked back inside and gave the liquor to Mum.

She didn't say a thing as I went back to my room and changed again before laying in bed.

"I'm Fine" (Adopted by 5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now