-=+Chapter Five+=-

Start from the beginning

     Mianite's second champion, slightly lower in rank, is quite different. Sonja, also the only girl on the island, is much different from her boyfriend and fellow Mianitee champion. She serves her god religiously, but if the scenario arose I do think that she'd hold her own morals above the words of her god. It's become rapidly apparent that she values her friends more, and will do no harm to them of her own accord.

     The final one, Jordan, quickly proved to be the wild card of the group. At first, I had assumed that he was a Mianitee. He wielded a weapon, but his stance and stature gave off no threat, and not a single feature of his was as sharp as those of a Dianitee. What changed my mind was how he acted when I drew a blade against his friend. While the Mianitees were quick to enact what they hold as justice, the black-haired one put himself in the way of my blade to prevent conflict. That was when I had realized he was the one I had been looking for. That, and when he grabbed my blade I saw his champion mark- which was distinctly Ianite's with her name in curlicued gold script over purple scales.

     This group intrigues me, especially the latter of the four. Though I have yet to see more of their characters, the only threat I see to our plan is the Dianitee, Tom. Mianite's second champion seems trustworthy, but I worry about her boyfriend. If I was in control of the whole situation, I'd have taken Ianite's champion and gone off to wherever our Lady needed us. But alas, it seems as though I have to wait.


Captain's log #140

     Today, the day after our arrival, the champions were called in by the Priest. Inexplicably, this gave me ill feelings. The Priest claims to answer only to Mianite, but I know that he receives word from all three of the gods, even the Devil himself, making him more of a neutral party. This isn't what unsettles me. What stirred my unease was the way he looked over at me the next day, and firmly grabbed Jordan's elbow as he hauled him inside his courtyard. While I'm positive that neither my crew or I have done anything to offend the Priest or any of the gods, minus Dinaite, I especially am treated with an air of nervous unease and uncertainty. It's as though the Priest and his assistant wish to keep me away from the reason I've come here- Ianite's sole champion.



Captain's log #143

     Today I was given my first real reason to refrain from trusting Tom. During the morning he approached me, yelling and threatening me over some device blown up by my men. I've dealt with many threats and pur(ge)turbed men, and had no problem setting them straight. With Tom, however, I am wary. He's far different from regular men. He is wild, reckless, and to make matters worse, he is backed by the god of all chaos. It seems as though one misstep with him will send his trust sprawling, and a hell-bent champion of Dianite is not something I need to help my Lady.

     The only solace from what seemed to be a horrible day was Sonja. She proved to be not only a strong ally when she disarmed Tom, but she is also looking to be a great friend, and my only since the fall of Ianerea. We walked together for quite some time, never saying much at all but bonding all the same. I respect that. It shouldn't always take words and constant talking to know someone; to know you can trust them. After a while, Sonja took me to a mutual base between the Mianitees and Jordan, and there she and I baked a cake. I've never been one for such frilly activities, but it felt like I was reclaiming a part of my childhood that I'd never partook in. So long as it was kept a secret, I wouldn't mind stealing away to bake with the young fox-women again.

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