"Luke, you can't do that," I laughed. "Liz would kill you!"

"Probably, but she'd also kill me if she found out we were having sex. She might set the entire house on fire, with me in it, and walk out like a boss with sunglasses on."

My face turned red at the mention of sex, and I hid my face in his chest. Sure, it was fine when we talked about it, but adding our parents to the conversation just made me feel uncomfortable.

Either way, this was about Luke and his plan to get his lip pierced. If he really wanted it, I'd support him, but I just wanted to make sure he was absolutely positive.

"I think it would look good on you, but are you sure?"

"Yeah, I am," he responded almost instantly. It seemed as if he was eager to get it done, but I couldn't blame him.

"Wait, don't you need a parent's consent if you're under eighteen?" I asked.

I thought I heard about that in health once, but I didn't really know. I guess we just had to try and see.

"I have no idea. Maybe we could just go and see what they say. If they'll do it, great. If they won't, then I'll wait," he proposed. I nodded in agreement, and he kissed the top of my head.

"Sounds like a plan. Are you finished with your food?" He nodded, and I skillfully turned back around to gather the empty boxes. A small, almost inaudible, moan fell from is lips.

He pushed back from the table and carefully lifted me from his lap, standing up immediately after. He headed straight for the door, practically running and called, "I'll be right back," before disappearing up the stairs.

I forgot that he was still sensitive around his crotch area during our thirty minutes of eating. Even though I could obviously still feel his bulge against myself, it just slipped my mind.

I quickly grabbed all of the trash from the table and took it to the trashcan in the kitchen. I got the dish cloth out of the sink and wiped down the counters, and I went back into the dining room to wipe down the table. Just as I was about to put the cloth back, Luke called me from his room.

"Kate, can you come and help me out here for a second?"

I placed the dish cloth back in the sink, and I hurriedly washed my hands before heading up the stairs myself. I knew what he needed help with, and I'd already agreed to helping before, so I was excited. We had about an extra hour to spare before we had to start cleaning, and we planned to use it wisely.
After taking care of Luke, we started cleaning his room. I swept the floor while he took the sheets off his bed and put them in the washing machine. He replaced them with clean ones, and we straightened up the rooms downstairs before we were finished.

We decided to shower, which ultimately resulted in Luke slipping and falling before I could even get in. I couldn't stop laughing as he yelled in pain, and he eventually started laughing too.

The water was spraying down on him as he just laid there for a second. Once he was ready to get up, he stood and invited me in with him. I took the towel wrapped around my body, and I hung it up on the hook before joining him.

He insisted on washing every inch of my body, causing so much sexual tension in that steamy bathroom that you could cut it with a knife. When he was done, he washed himself, and I washed my own hair.

I rinsed the soap off my body and the shampoo out of my hair, preparing myself to get out. Unexpectedly, I was gently slammed against the wall of the shower. I gasped, and Luke took this opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth.

We made out for a few minutes before he pulled away and said, "You have no idea how much I love you." I kissed him again briefly, and he planted one on my forehead.

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