Chapter 44. The end

Start from the beginning

I huffed. "I am fine. It's not my fault you look far too good dressed like that, Owen." I raised my eyebrow at him, "Or should I say undressed?" I stared down to his half-open shirt.

He smirked at me. Actually smirked. "You can undress me any time you want, Darling, if that pleases you. Anything to make you happy."

I felt my jaw drop before a blush rose to my cheeks.

I slapped at his chest. "You are as incorrigible as Sean, sometimes. I swear..." I grumbled a little under my breath.

He laughed at me quietly before wrapping his arms around my waist and bringing me close to him, in a hug. I laid my head on his strong chest and listened to the beating of his heart, the sound of the waves behind me.

"You make me want to be different." He said, "Before you came back into my life I only lived to make my family happy. Now I wish to enjoy more this life as well. You did it for me, Darling." His gray eyes looked like melted silver when I stared into them and I felt my heart pounding in my chest in that rhythm that had become so natural around my boys.

"I love you, Owen. I think I always have, even when you weren't with me." I told him.

The smile he gave me was sweet and so happy that it nearly brought tears to my eyes.

"I love you too, Darling." He said before lowering his head and kissing me sweetly in the lips.

His kiss was loving and tender, showing a depth of feeling that he kept hidden from the world. But I could see it, his hidden heart. He'd always allowed me to see it.

Coming apart, we were both breathing heavily. Our chests moving together, hearts beating in synchrony.

He laid his forehead against mine, his grey eyes focused on mine.

"Have I ever mentioned as much I love those green eyes of yours?" He asked me, his voice sounding a little distracted.

I felt the devilry rising in my chest and smirked at him before answering. "Oh, is that because they remind you of Sean's?"

His eyes widened and he choked. "God, no! Sean is the last thing on my mind when I look at you!"

"Now, I am hurt, Owen. I had thought you loved me." Sean's teasing voice came from behind him.

Neither of us had heard him approaching, too distracted by each other.

Owen huffed, annoyed. "Don't be ridiculous, Sean."

"But Owen! You promised we'd be together forever!" Sean whined playfully.

Owen just sighed and stepped back from me."Did you need something, Sean?"

"Yes and no. I am in serious need of some things, such as Pookie's time, but that can wait for a bit more. Now I need to talk with you about our plans for Victor."

His words picked my curiosity. "What plans?" I asked them.

They both turned to me. "I know you are aware, Darling, that Victor doesn't enjoy playing for his parents. We are trying to find a way for him to stop playing." Owen said, his eyes showing his worry for his brother.

I thought for a moment. "Have you considered blackmail?" I asked them.

"We did, Pookie. But Victor's parents aren't the problem. We can easily deal with them."

I was confused. "If his parents aren't the problem then what is? I asked.

"Mr. Morgan is being strangely difficult. We've spoken with him, but he refuses to stop playing for his family even thought we all know he hates to do so."

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