Chapter 28. Moving

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After their classes were finished for the day she left with Gabriel and Victor. They were going to Silas' apartment building to install the cameras necessary for their surveillance of Theo.

The thought of Silas living under the same roof that his older brother worried Sang deeply. She hoped they could do something about Theo before this situation blew on all their faces.

Going into the building Sang scooped the place out first, making sure no one was home before allowing the boys to come up. Victor and Gabriel immediately got to work, planting the cameras first in the hallway and outside the building so they could keep one look out for arrivals before going into the apartment.

Sang stayed as the lookout for their mission as she was the quieter one and more capable of getting out of sticky situations with her gift for acrobatics and blending with the background.

Once the boys were done with what they came to do they all left the building and headed to the music studio.

It was localized in a fairly busy street, between a clothing store and another that sells musical instruments and equipment.

The building had three floors with a brick facade, the entrance door was made of metal, painted bright red. Beside the door was a large metal plate attached to the wall with the name "Morgan & Coleman's Music Studio" written in bold font. You could see large windows in the floors above the ground one.

Entering through the door we found ourselves in a long corridor with three doors to the right and a stair at the end.

The walls inside were also made of brick, with exposed pipes and emergency lights illuminating the environment, giving an industrial appearance to the place.

The first door opened into a meeting room with a large round table made of dark wood, ten office, black chairs and a PowerPoint equipment installed in the corner.

The second door opened into an office, which obviously belonged to the boys considering the smell of berries, moss and something else in the air. The office sported metal furniture, with colors varying from bright red to dark grey and black. The two desks were made from the same dark wood of the table in the reunion room and there was an orange couch in the corner that looked comfortable enough to sleep in. Behind the third door was a bathroom.

Walking up the stairs to the first floor she saw two recording rooms, sound proofed, with all the necessary equipment and even some things she was sure were just extravagancies. On the second floor was the storage and where they stashed different kinds of instrumental equipment's and other odds and ends.

The third floor was an open plane, the walls all sound proofed and like the two floors below. There was a kitchen to one side, with a long metal counter dividing it from the rest of the room, the bathroom to the other side of the room, beside the television.

The kitchen had an industrial look, with metal counters and racks where the food and equipment's were stored. Like on the ground floor, the furniture and appliances here went from bright red, to orange, dark grey and black.

The rest of the room had a pair of comfortable looking couches, some beanbag chairs and a billiard' table, on the wall in front of the couches was the biggest television Sang had ever seen with a very nice sound-round system. Spread across the room, as if left after having just been used, were various instruments, along with notebooks and pens.

This was where her boys came to compose sometimes and have fun.

Turning back to Gabriel and Victor who had been watching her quietly while she'd been exploring their space she studied their expressions.

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