Chapter 20. Dreams and wishes

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The sky was clear, showing the stars, the moonlight showing the way to the figure dressed in black clothes and a mask, who was sneaking into Dr. Roberts place in the middle of the night, with dark intentions.

It was four in the morning and the neighborhood was asleep. While most people were resting in their beds, in a lonely and impersonal room a tiny, blonde girl tossed and turned in hers, a nightmare tormenting her sleep.

The figure, no more than a shadow in the darkness, managed to open the front door of the house without making any noise or tripping the alarm. Walking up the stairs the intruder went straight to the room where the girl slept. The plan was simple: go in, plant the package, and get out.

Walking into the room on silent feet so as not disturb the sleeping figure in the bad, the intruder stopped short to observe the girl. Her breathing was erratic making her chest raise and fall rapidly. Her pajamas were composed by black pants and a tight t-shirt with a pink heart in the front. Her blankets had fallen to the ground, which could explain why she was shaking, but it didn't explain the sweat dotting her forehead.

She made a strangled noise in her throat and turned on her side, one hand clutching her pillow the other clenched over the bed linens, her distress obvious.

The figure dropped the package in the desk and stepped closer to the bed, bending down he picket the blankets from the floor and put them over the girl. Her trembling diminished a little with the cover over her body but she was still distressed.

Removing his shoes and the mask, the intruder made a quick decision. He slipped into the bed and pulled her to him, his arms going around her, one under her head and the other over her waist, his hand rubbing circles in her back. He threw one of his legs over hers; hopping his closeness would give her some comfort and stop her nightmare. He didn't want to wake her. People tended to react bad when they were awoken from nightmares, and she could freak out at seeing him in her room.

His idea seemed to work, her body, which had been tense, slowly relaxed against his, her hands went to his chest, her head buried itself in his neck. The feel of her breath on his flesh tickled, her warm body against his drew a reaction he tried to suppress.

He'd stay with her for a while before getting back up to complete his mission.

Holding the tiny bombshell in his arms while she slept he couldn't stop himself from dreaming about being able to do so with frequency one day. He would love to be able to come home to her, hold her, love her and even just sleep with her, like he was now. He closed his eyes to better imagine their future together and fell asleep.


A warm weight over her body and the strong smell of vanilla were the first things Sang noticed when she woke up the next morning. She'd slept surprisingly well after her first nightmare and was now feeling very lazy and happy. She didn't want to get up, she thought, still half-asleep.

The feel of air shifting on her throat and the strange weight over her body however, made her wake up. Opening her eyes she was met with long blonde hair. Hair that didn't belong to her...

Her eyes widened and her body went stiff, her heart beating a mile a minute. A thousand thought went through her head. Intruder, rapist, thief, pervert.

The man had his face buried in her neck, his chest covering half of her body, his muscular arms and legs hugging her tight to him, as if she were a tree and he a koala.

She panicked. Raising her knee, which was conveniently between his legs, she kneed him. Grunting in pain the stranger let her go to grab himself, rolling onto his back.

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